一緒に役員をしている英国人女性に「実はこれ、TK Maxx (売れ残りや流行が過ぎたブランド品などを低価格で売る店)で20ポンドで買ったのよ」と耳打ちすると、「あら、私のもTK Maxxで30ポンドのドレスよ」だって。ああ、よかった。
This year's IWA Christmas party was at Rasa Sayang Hotel. I bought a brand new dress last year but I used the dress I found in our moving boxes from England, which at last arrived after 10 months.
I whispered to one of the fellow board member, who is British, "I bought my dress at TK Maxx for only 20 pounds." She replied, "Oh, mine was 30 pounds at TK Maxx as well!" We both burst into laughter.
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