Sunday 16 October 2011

6Y9M 5Y0M ニュージーランド New Zealand


ラグビーそのものが好きで、どこの国の試合でも、Healy Mac'sで観戦している人も結構いる。SCIPSの校長のMrジョーンズとか、マギーTとか、アリソンとか・・・。




All blacks vs Australia.

There are several people who apparently like rugby. Regardless of the matches, they are always at Healy Mac's to watch games, like Mr Jones of SCIPS, Maggie T, Alison...

Their teams have already been out of the tournament by now and they all supported All Blacks - well, it applies to me as well. There are not many New Zealanders in Penang, but lots of Aussies. So it's not bad if lots of people also support All Blacks.

Children like strong teams and that's the reason Aratakara don't like being English much. They rather want to be a Spanish - because they won football world cup!

Doing well in Rugby World Cup is good for them. They now like 'strong' All Blacks. Hopefully they will realise how lucky they are as they can be Japanese and English and Kiwi!!

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