Saturday, 27 October 2012

7Y10M 6Y0M ランチを食べにタイへ Lunch in Thailand


ペナンからマレーシア側の国境の町、ブキット・カユ・イタム(Bukit Kayu Hitam)まで約2時間。マレーシア側のイミグレを車に乗ったまま抜けると、免税店がある。個人所有の車なら、国境近くで、タイで使える保険を買うことができるが、Jasonの会社から支給されている車で行ったので、今回は、この免税店に車を駐車して、タクシーでタイ側のサダオへ行くことに。
サダオの街へ入る Entered Sadao town


その上、思いっきりぼられた~。朝10時に突然決めて、事前の準備もなく行ったので、一体全体相場がどんなんだかも分からず、日帰りだったので時間も無く。悔しいがしょうがない、行きたかったWater Viewという湖沿いのタイレストランの往復で900バーツ(90リンギ)と言われ、ついOKをしてしまった。

 Water View Restaurant おにいちゃんが食事をボートで運んできたところ The food were brought to our table on boat


蒸し魚の保温はチャコール They use charcoal to heat up food

ただ、今回の目的、Water Viewレストランは、小さい湖の周りに、いい感じの席があり、料理はボートで厨房から運ばれる仕組み。本場タイなので、久々に思いっきり辛い思いをしたが、美味しかった。大人一人250バーツ(25リンギ)ぐらいでかなり豪勢にいける。

床席 Some table are for us to sit on floor


  正面入り口 The main entrance

サダオは、マレーシアやシンガポール人が買春に来るので有名だけれども、ミャンマーからの難民や、人身売買被害の少女達が、自分の意思に反して多く働いていると聞く。とても憂鬱な気分になった。Water Viewでランチをしていた、中華系マレーシア人と若い少女や、マレーシア人の3人組の若造くんたち、みんなそんな目的で来たのかなあと思わざるを得なかった。

 外に飾ってあった古いバス Old bus displayed outside

とりあえず、Water Viewレストランは美味かったので、次回はママ友と、ランチしにくるのもありでしょう。ペナンからの高速代とブリッジ代を合わせても往復50リンギ程+ガソリン代。免税店の駐車場に車を停めて、タイ側の国境までは5分ほど歩き、そこからトゥクトゥクで行けば、タイ側の移動費も数リンギットで済む。そうそう、Water Viewも含め、国境近辺はリンギットがそのまま使えるので両替しなくてもよさそう。

We decided to go to Thailand to have lunch.

It took us only 2 hours to get to the boarder town on Malaysian side, Bukit Kayu Hitam. We went through the Malaysian immigration without even getting off the car.

After a few hundred meters, there is a duty free shop on the left. If you own the car, you could buy a day insurance before entering Thailand, but as we went there in Jason's company car, we parked it at the DFS car park, then took a taxi to go to Thai side.

By the way, at the car park, all the taxi guys waiting for customers will ask you to give them your passports. They will fill in immigration cards for you! Good service....I thought, but no no, they charged RM2 each!! 

We made a big mistake. As we decided to do this in the last minute, we didn't prepare anything. We didn't even know the name of the restaurant we were about to go, nor the going rates of taxies or transportation between boarders. On top of that, we left Penang relatively late and we were running out of time. We just took the offer of 900 BHT (90RM) to and from the Water View Restaurant. Well, it was actually only 10 minute drive! But too late!

We had also asked the driver to take us to the centre of Sadao, where I thought we could see some markets or small stalls, so we had agreed 1200BHT all together. It was far too much. The driver didn't take us to the centre of Sadao, he said nothing there, instead he took us to Padan Basser. There was  noting much either!

Anyway, what I think now is we should just walk to the Thai immigration from the DFS car park next time, then take a taxi or Tuck Tuck, which is more than 10 times cheaper!!! And just look around the shops near the immigration. There are a few shops.
Interestingly, at the Thai immigration, there were a couple of posters which read "No human trafficking, no smuggling". However, the boarder control seemed to be so relaxing. For example, when we went through the immigration to get our exit stamp on our passports, walked back to the Sadao, to get on the taxi waiting for us, then the taxi drove past the side of the immigration office again to get us out of Thailand. Nobody seemed to be bothered, and of course, the driver didn't even show his ID. The guy who filled in immigration cards for us wrote Aratakara's nationality as Ireland, acutually it's British, but the immigration officer didn't even care....

Sadao is know as a town of cheap prostitution. Lots of Malaysian and Singaporean go there to buy women. I've heard lots of refugees from Myanmmer were stopped there and forced to work for brothels, and lots of women from the nearby countries are deceived and trafficked there. I felt helplessly sad... A teenage girl with a middle-aged Malaysian Chinese man, and 3 Malaysian men in their late 20s, who I saw at the restaurant, must be in Sadao on that purpose...

After all, the food at River View Restaurant was good and authentic. Next time, I should just go with my female friends, after sending our kids to school. We can probably come back in time to pick up our kids. The toll charges were about 50RM in total, Not bad for something different.

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