Monday, 12 November 2012

7Y10M 6Y1M マスカケ仲間 Simian line


共に同じ年の二人の男の子を持つママ。もう8年以上つながっているので、初めて会った気はせず、そのうえ、身近な友達に話せないこともぶっちゃけ話したりしているから、 なんでも知っている旧友という感じ。またいつか絶対に会うでしょう。



Yuki's family visited us. We have known each other since we were pregnant with our first child, we met on line.

We both have 2 boys of the same ages. Since we've connected for more than 8 years, I didn't feel it was the first time to see each other, probably because we talked about everything online, we feel very close. I believe we will meet again somewhere some time...

We found that Akira also has a simian line in his palm. Arata has it in both hands, according to the palm reading standards, those with simian line in both hands have a strong luck. But if they lead a normal life, it will become below average and it's better to do something different, for them to be extremely successful.

1 comment:

Akira and Taiga said...


本当、初めてって気がしなかったよね。なんかもう会った瞬間から「ひさしぶり~」って感じだった。笑 タクシーの中のアレックスの横顔見ただけで私たちが着いたってわかったってのもすごいわ。
