Monday 11 February 2013

8Y1M 6Y4M 韓国語熱 Learning Korean is getteing popular

PSYの『Gangnam Style (江南スタイル)』、初めは、これ、金正日のパロディーかと思ったが、一度聴くと頭から離れない。欧米のみならずペナンでも大流行。


Jasonとアラタはテンション低いから置いてきたし、諦めるしかない。8万人が集まるなんて予測はされていたが、チラッと覗いた会場はそんなに混雑もしてなかったからミーハーの私には残念。アラタカラ、「オッパ ガンナムスタイル」をYouTubeで観ては歌って踊っているんだけどね。



When I first saw the image of  'Gangnam Style', I thought it was a parody of Kim Jong Il. But once you listen to the music, you will never forget it. The song is very popular in Penang as well as in the US and UK.

The singer PSY, who sings the song came to Penang. Even though there is an election behind, I didn't care. I wanted to see his performance at BN CNY open house at Han Chiang College. Actually I parked my car by MGS, so I could have only walked for 5 minutes to get there. But Takara changed his mind in the last minute saying, "I don't want to go."

Jason and Arata weren't quite keen and they stayed back home. I had no choice but I gave it a miss. Aratakara often listen to Gangnam Style on YouTube and dance along, and I didn't quite understand why they were not interested in it.

I've heard recently that more people are interested in learning Korean now. Probably it's due to the popularity of K-pop in English or Samsung smart phones? If you have astro, you can watch KBS (Korean TV station) without any extra fee and with English subtitles, while you need to pay an extra subscription to watch NHK, which is usually without subtitles.

 I think the strategies to promote the country are better in Korea than in Japan....

1 comment:

おじいちゃん said...



(●^o^●) (^0_0^)