Wednesday 20 February 2013

8Y1M 6Y4M 1年生の発表 Year 1 assembly

SCIPS、Key Stage1の集会で、タカラのクラスがサーカスについての発表。




Key Stage 1はナーサリーから2年生までだが、集会でクラス発表があると、兄弟がいるKey Stage 2の子供も授業を抜け出して見られるというシステムなので、アラタも後ろで観ていた。

Key Stage 1 assembly at SCIPS. This Wednesday, Takara's class's performance about circus.

When each child said something in turn, Takara was very confident. He told me later he didn't feel nervous at all.

When Takara learnt Jason and I were there, he always looked at us smiling.

Takara's class was chosen to be the best listening class, and he went to get  the trophy, as he was the class leader on the day.

Key Stage 1 is from nursery to year 2, but when there is a performance at assembly, all the brothers and sisters in Key stage 2, whose siblings are on stage, can come to see it. Good system! Arata was there as  well, of course.

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