Thursday, 9 October 2014

9Y9M 8Y0M レゴランド Legoland



降りる瞬間、おなかがくすぐったくこの顔! Look at Takara's expression!
タカラは前日から高熱、朝も熱で、どうなることかと、家を出る直前まで取りやめも考えたけど、タカラの希望もあり強行。 初日はどうにか持ち、翌日は熱も下がり、プールにまで入ってしまった・・・。


At last, we went to Legoland in Johor Baru.

Yuki and her boys  were going back to Australia via Singapore (and via Legoland!) and I decided in the last minute to join them.

However, Takara had had high temperature  for a few days, and until just  before we left for the airport, I was about to cancel the whole trip. Once we were there, Takara was more or less ok and after one night of sleep, he was back to normal - even went into the swimming pool.

I knew Johor is close to Singapore and if something happened I was ready to take Takara to a hospital there, though...

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