Wednesday 25 February 2015

10Y2M 8Y4M タカラの学校 Takara's school

今年度のサンタは人力車で登場 Last year, Santa arrived in Rikusho
タカラの学校は相変わらず楽しい。 ブックデーでは好きな本の登場人物の格好をしていき、クリスマスにはサンタがやってくるし、中華正月はチャイナ服。冒険家がテーマの学習時には、宇宙飛行士のアウトフィットを作って学校へ。

Takara's school is full of fun. On the international book day, kids go to school in the costume of their favourite characters. At last year's Christmas, Santa came to SCIPS in a Rikusho, and at CNY, they  are in Chinese outfit to celebrate. And for the theme of exlporers, Takara became an astronaut.

ブックデーではパイレーツ Takara was a pirate!

中華正月はみんなでイーサン! At CNY, kids celebrate it with Yee San!

During the theme of explorer, Takara became an astronaut

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