Saturday 26 March 2016

11Y3M 9Y5M インター式勉強 International school style study


春休み限定で週2回、セントの代講の先生に来てもらった。セントの先生とは言えアメリカ人なので気乗りのしないアラタだったが、ほめられて、少しは安心した模様。今後は2週間に1度ぐらい誰かに来てもらい、2年間の間にミスした、Key Stage 2のトピックをおおざっぱにカバーしてほしい。


Arata has studied at Japanese school for two years by now. And in the last two years, he hasn't done any English study but actually he started to tell us to find a tutor to help him study English since a year ago.

The request was heard. Arata had a tutor twice a week during the spring holiday. His tutor is American, a substitute teacher at SCIPS. Arata wanted to have a British teacher and wasn't 100% happy but as he was so craved for English, he enjoyed every single moment. I will probably need to set up a tutor once in two weeks to cover Key Stage 2 topics which Arata missed in the last two years.

For one of the homework, Arata was researching on Kiwi birds. IT education at Japanese school is really behind and I was a bit worried that Arata might have forgotten how to use Ms Word etc. But as soon as he turned on the PC and started to type, he knew exactly what he was doing.

Arata researched about the topic on the internet to get necessary info and typed using Ms Word. I think this style of study is really good for kids. Once they become old enough to go to secondary school, they have to study hard anyway, so while they are still at primary, training on how to express ideas and thinking with a touch of creativity is a great educational method.

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