Tuesday 25 May 2004

10W 1D 超音波検査への疑問と病院の選択


GPに電話するとやはり、次回の超音波検査には血液検査が含まれていないので、プライベートでもいいから、血液検査も含まれる、一段階より正確な検査を受けたいということ、出産する病院を St Thmas's に 変更したいということをGPに申し出た。せっかく Midwife も、初回の検査も彼女は予約してくれていたせいか、ちょっと不機嫌で、「血液検査があっても数パーセントしか違いが無いのよ」などと言っていた。それでもやりたいというと、プライベートの検査ができる電話番号を教えてくれたが、私は結局 St Thomas's プライベートの方に電話した。医者のセクレタリーと話したが彼女は良く分からないのであした折り返し電話してくれるそうだ。

ところでGPはつい最近も同じ時期ぐらいに出産予定の女性を St Thomas's にリファーしたが断られたということを言っていた。だから難しいかもしれないらしい。そして「どうして気が変わったの」と非難されたので「この前初めてGPにあった時は、病院の選択について考えなきゃいけないなんてことすら知らなかった。その後いろいろ調べて自分がどうしたいか分かっただけです。」と伝える。何にも分からなくて困ってるってことを分かってくれないのかしら。「どうしてSt Thomas's がいいの」って聞かれたので。「周りの評判と、出産前検査の充実です」と言ったが、結局、その後、St Thomas's に電話してみても、血液検査つきの検査なんて聞いたこと無いわと電話に出た看護婦に言われたので、なんだかよくわからないのだが。

Luke にもこの件について聞いてみたが、彼はどこのロンドンの病院でも血液検査とスキャンという組み合わせをNHSでやってるはずって言ってた。でもなんだかよくわからない。Luke によると、NHSの範囲でのサービスはどこの病院でも同じぐらいのレベルのばずだが、プライベートとなると違うらしい。なんだかますますわからないけど、GPにはお願いしちゃったから、もう後へは戻れない。ところで、GPはいつどんな形で新しい病院に決まったとか、連絡をくれるんだろうか。私は果たしていつ初めて Midwife に会えるのだろうか。

Jason has been suffering from a terrible food poisoning. He was shivering and having diarrhoea just after he got home yesterday. He told me that he had some samsa for lunch. He did not eat dinner and went straight to bed. I was probably passed the poison!? This morning, I had diarrhoea as well and threw up after breakfast. I've been feeling sick since then. I went to work with 1 hour late but came home less than 1 hour later by taxi. I was in bed till 5 pm and I feel much better now but still no appetite.

I talked to GP on the phone. As expected, the screening does not include blood test. I requested her that I would like to have 'integrated screening', which includes blood test but need to have it done under private services, and that I want to deliver he baby at St Thomas' hospital. She was unhappy about these. Of course, she has already arranged a midwife and the first screening at Royal London Hospital for me. She said, Blood test only increases the accuracy of a couple of percentages and not worth doing.' But I insisted that I want to have a go as private medical services. She said only a couple of percentages but according to our investigation 75% will go up to 90%. She gave me a number to call but I called St Thomas's private unit instead. I talked to one of the secretaries to the private doctors but as she did not know exactly what to do, she promised to get back to me tomorrow.

About going to St Thomas's hospital, she referred another 11 week pregnant woman to the hospital a couple weeks ago but rejected due to not enough beds, and she thinks the chance to get approved will very low. She kind of condemned me asking 'Why have you changed your mind?' Well, I haven't changed my mind, I just did not know what to do last time. I explained to her. Why she can not understand that I'm really nervous without enough information.... She also asked why I prefer St Thomas's. I answered that they have better facilities of antenatal screening and it also got good reputations among my friends. I said this to her but after I called the hospital enquiring about the detailed integrated screening, the nurse who answered my call did not know anything about it.

I asked about reputations of Guys and St Thomas's hospital and he wrote to me back: Regarding antenatal screening, most of the NHS hospitals perform the same blood tests and screening, along with the new NICE guidelines (National Institute for Clinical Excellence). There will be no difference between hospitals in London. Royal London Hospital is a good hospital, and there should be no problem. The situation is, however, slightly different if you choose to take private care. If you are happy to spend some money, then you can have whatever tests you want.

I got confused again, at least, Royal London does not do the screening with blood test. Well, anyway, I've already asked my GP to change everything and I have to hope everything will be settled ok as soon as possible. My GP never mentioned how I could know which hospital I am going or whatever, though. When can I see my midwife first time??

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