Friday, 28 May 2004

10W 4D 胃痛、腹痛、他のGPに会う

昨日の夜はひどかった。家に9時ぐらいに戻ってきて、もう、歩きながら苦しくて、トイレに直行。胃腸が両方痛い。12時過ぎまで寝て、何も食べてないし、顔も洗ってないことに気がつくけど、だるくて動けない。コーン缶があったのを思い出し、牛乳コーンスープを作って、ようやく少し食べるが、一口ごとにおなかがごろごろ鳴り出し、トイレに行くことを繰り返す。食欲は全くなし。どうやら、やはり Jason の食中毒が移って、激しく活動を開始したらしい。唸りながら寝た。

朝になっても調子が悪いので、GP のアポイントまでやはり家で休むことにした。お風呂に浸かると気持ちがいい。今回の GP は多分バングラディッシュ系の男性。胃腸痛についてたずねると、薬は飲んではだめだと言われ、胃炎の痛さを緩和する液状の薬、GAVISCON を処方してくれた。やけに大きなボトルだ。とにかく火曜日以降食欲がないが、なにかサプリメントを取ったほうがいいかと聞いたが、必要ないとのこと。赤ちゃんはお母さんから栄養素をできるだけ多く取ろうとするので、足らなくなるならお母さんの方ですだって。それに、まだこの段階ではあまり赤ちゃんも必要ないらしい。胃炎に似た痛みなので毎日飲むことになっているタブレット・・・ACIDという名前がついてるから、がなにか影響あるのかと聞いたが関係ないそうだ。とりあえず、水を大量にのんで自然治癒しかないとのこと。来週になっても治ってなかったら更に検査するそうだ。

さて、病院と検査についてだが、こっちは既に St Thomas' から返事があったようで、どうやら認められなかったらしい。ってことは結局あの汚い Royal London で産むことになるのだ。まあ、しょうがない。ダウン症検査については、この GP は私の意向を理解してくれて、というか、彼のほうから、「あなたの年齢から考えると NHS の標準検査ではなくて、もう少し精密なのをやったほうがいいね。ここはプライベート診療だが、リファレンスレターも書いてあげるので、ここで予約しなさい。」と、Independent Hospital の番号をくれた。St Thomas' と Royal London を行き来することで、時間のロスができて、下手すれば検査の予約が間に合わないかと心配してたので、(11週から14週ぐらいのうちに受けないと意味がないから)ちょっと安心。

いったん家に戻り、Independent Hospital に電話する。6月8日(火)の予約を取った。血液検査も含めたスクリーニングで195ポンド。まあ、よしとしよう。結果も2時間待てばその日のうちに通知されるとのこと。お金で不安を解決だ。この日は1日年休を取ることにした。

それにしても、あまりにもなにも食べていないのでふらふらする。だけど食欲なし。午後に会社に着いてから、早速 GAVISCON を飲んで、ちょっとクリスプスを食べるが、やはりまだトイレに直行だ。明日から3連休のホリデーだから、ニューフォーレストのほうに行く予定なのに大丈夫だろうか。

家に帰った直後に例の女医の方から電話があり、St Thomas' がだめだったこと、Midwife の予約はそのままにしてあるので行く様にということ、Royal London の方のスクリーニングのキャンセルは自分ですることを確認した。

It was terrible last night. I came home at about 9 but I was really ill on my way home and I went to the toilet straight after arriving home. Stomach and gut are both sore. I went to bed and had a sleep till around the midnight and realised that I had not even washed my face but could not move because I felt so drained. But I felt I had to feed my baby. I remembered there was a tin of cream corn in the cupboard and cooked soup with corn and milk. I managed to eat a bit but after each spoonful soup, my intestines made loud noises, then rushed into the toilet. No appetite at all. I must have infected Jason's food poisoning, which started to act viciously. I slept groaning.

As I still feel very ill this morning, I decided to stay in bed till my GP appointment. I took a bath before going. This was really nice and relaxing. The GP I saw today was probably from Bangladesh. He told me that I can not take any medicine for my stomach problem due to pregnancy, as expected. He though prescribed a medicine which helps the gastric stomach pain, liquid medicine called GAVISCON. Huge bottle of medicine. I asked him if I need to take any supplement as I had not had any appetite since Tuesday. He told me that I do not do anything special for the baby. According to him, the baby anyway tries to as much as or everything he/she can from his/her mom. We do not have to worried abut the baby. If something goes wrong, it will be me but not the baby. I see.... I also asked the doctor if Folic Acid is not bad for my stomach, as it has a word 'acid'. Nothing to do with acid, he said. His advice is taking plenty of water and just wait it go. If I am still not good next week, I need to contact them again.

About my screening and hospital, he showed a scan of letter from St Thomas's. I was rejected. Well, I have to deliver a baby in that shabby Royal London Hospital. Never mind then. He understood my anxiety about my age and suggested me going to the private screening. He gave me a number of the Independent Hospital. It was such a relief as I thought my situation is very dangerous as while I am being referred to and back from St Thomas's, I may miss the chance of any screening. This screening must be taken between 11th to one day before the end of 14th week precisely.

I went home and booked an appointment with the Independent Hospital on 06/08/04 (Tue). The person answering the phone proudly told me that they do blood test as well. This is exactly the words I have been looking for. It costs 195 pounds but if I can wait for 2 hours after the screening, they will tell me the results on the same day. Need to use money wisely! I am taking a day off on the day.

I feel so dizzy as I have not eaten much for a couple of days. But still no appetite. I took two spoonful GAVISCON after arriving work in the afternoon. I had some crisps but still went to the toilet immediately. I am a bit worried about our long weekend trip to the New Forest.

Just after coming home from work, the other doctor, the female one, rang me. She informed me of the rejection from the St Thomas's and as she had not cancelled my appointment with midwife, I can still go to see her on the day. She also asked me to cancel the screening appointment with The Royal London by myself.

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