Wednesday, 12 May 2004

8W 2D 出血 Bleeding

昨日の夜中トイレに行くと、少し出血があった。あー、やばい、流産だと思った私はその後ほとんど眠れなく、起きだしてインターネットで症状をチェック。流産みたいだが、とにかく医者に行った方がいいらしい。妊娠発覚して、初めてのGPとのアポイントメントは明日だ。GPは行ってもすぐ看てくれない。だいたい病気だっていうのに2、3日待たされるのだ。その上引っ越してきて以来、そのGPには一度もかかったことがない。日本みたいに産婦人科もないし、どうしたらいいかわからない。直接病院のエマージェンシーに駆け込むべきか。結局、9時になるとすぐに、緊急で看てもらおうとGPに電話。すると女医さんと直接会話ができ、症状を伝えることで近所の病院の Early Pregnancy Unit での超音波検査の予約をしてもらえた。今日の午前中の予約だ。早期流産は受精卵の細胞分裂に異常があることによる、自然淘汰だということだから、しょうがないこと。でも、がっかりだ。

When I went to toilet in the middle of the night, I found slight bleeding. I was so shocked to see it and immediately thought it a sign of miscarriage. I could not sleep at all after and I got up, browsing the internet to get more information about bleeding during early pregnancy.

It seems that I need to go to see a doctor anyway. But my very first appointment with GP is scheduled tomorrow. I have never been to the surgery before since we moved to Wapping. GPs do not usually see patients immediately and we often wait for a couple of days after the onset of illness. There are no walk-in gynecology specialist like in Japan. Shall I go to the A&E in nearby hospital?I have no idea what to do.

I called the surgery for their advice. Luckily, I could talk to one of the female GPs and she arranged an emergency ultra sound appointment at the Early Pregnancy Unit in Royal London Hospital at 11.00 AM.

The early miscarriage is a natural way of ending pregnancy in which the foetus was not growing as it should be, and no ways to prevent. Well, I am powerless and helpless but still feel very disappointed.

その病院はすごく薄汚い上、患者はこの辺に多く住む、英国到着後まもないモスリムの移民たちしかいないように見える。まあ、設備さえ整っていればいいか。看護婦に呼ばれてスキャンルームに入る。彼女はEarly Pregnancy の経験ある看護婦とのこと。このぐらいのことじゃ医者は出てこないらしい。もしお腹からのスキャンでわからなければ、したからスキャナーを入れて検査するって言われる。真っ暗な部屋で、ジェルをお腹に塗られて、彼女がかなりきつく下腹部をスキャナーで押し出した。それにしても、子宮ってこんなに下の方にあるとは知らなかった。


The Royal London Hospital looks shabby and most of the patients seeme to be newly arrived Muslim immigrants. Well, as long as the hospital is properly equipped, I have to put up with everything else. My name is called and I get into the scan room. A nurse is going to examine me. It seems that no doctors will be appointed for such a minor problem, minor for the hospital. She is an experienced nurse in this field,she said, and if scanning over my tummy does not give her a clue, she will scan through underneath! As soon as she explained the procedure, she applies a small amount of gel on my lower tummy and starts to push the scanner very hard on my tummy. I did not know the baby is growing so low part of my tummy, by the way!

The screen is facing to her, and she is wearing a quite serious expression.Having looked at her face for a while, I am ready for the worst news and take a deep breath. She turns the screen towards me and, to my surprise, she said, 'This is the foetus. The one in this dark area. The size is normal for 8 weeks and everything looks fine.' I can see a small bean like creature on the screen. I also listened to the heart beat. I did not know their hear beat is so quick. Well, I am quite relieved to know the baby is still alive.


'Have you ever had any ultra sound done?,' she asked. I've had one for chronic cystitis last year. I knew what she meant immediately and told her, 'Yes, I have. I know I have a couple of fibroids.' The cause of bleeding can be these fibroids, according to her. She counted and measured them. I have 4 of them and the biggest one is measured 4 x 5 cm.

「流産じゃなかったんですね、よかった。」と言うと、彼女は、「流産ではなくて、Threatened miscarriage よ。流産は防げるものではないから、気分が悪くなかったら普通の生活をしていいわ」と言われた。明日GPとのアポイントメントがある事を告げると、検査結果が入った封筒をGPへと言われて渡された。スキャンの結果をいくつかプリントアウトしてたみたいだったので、Jasonに見せたら喜ぶかなあって封筒の中を除いてみたが、入ってなかった。出産予定日は12月20日と書いてあった。11月15日の誕生日前、すなわちどうにか30代のうちに産めないかしらと、今妊娠していても産むのは40になっちゃう事実に唖然とする。

'I am quite relieved because I thought the baby is dead,' I said. She told me that it is called 'Threatened miscarriage' and there is no way to prevent it nor expect what is going to happen next. I can lead a normal life, if I do feel ok. She gave me an envelope with some papers in it, asking me to pass it to my GP tomorrow. I'd seen her printing a couple of images while scanning and I thought Jason will like to have a look at them. But there is only one piece of paper with results and no photos were enclosed. The Expected Date of Delivery is stated 20/12/2004. I realised first time that even thought I am pregnant now, I will only be able to a mother just after my 40th birthday. Quite scary...

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