Thursday 13 May 2004

8W 3D 切迫流産 Threatened miscarriage

看護婦さんに言われた Threatened Miscarriage って何?あまり深刻そうには聞こえなかったけど。調べてみるとどうやら日本語では切迫流産と言うらしい。日本語の方が怖いひびきがある。ネットの情報では、家事もせず動かないでじっとしているべきらしい。緊急度によっては薬も飲む。私は気分さえ悪くなければ明日から会社に行ってもいいって言われたと、なんだか不安になり、ある産婦人科医への質問サイトに、「切迫流産と診断され。普通の生活を送っていいって言われたが本当?」と質問してみた。回答は「安静にしていて損はしないので安静にしていましょう」だった。Jasonに言わせると、日本人はなんでも注意深すぎるからそう言うんだろうとのこと。

What is 'threatened miscarriage'? The nurse did not sound serious but I checked it on the internet. It is called 'Seppaku Ryuzan' in Japanese. Japanese sounds more threatening! According to Japanese sites, it's strongly recommended to stay at home, if possible in bed, even without doing any house work, and if the symptoms are too serious, some medication will be given as well. I was told by the nurse that I can even to work from tomorrow. What's the difference? Is it because my bleeding was not so serious or do I need to be bed ridden?? I posted a question to one of the Japanese sites run by a gynecology. 'I was diagnosed as threatened miscarriage but told to lead a normal life. I only had a slight bleeding and it does not look like serious, probably. But is it true?' The answer was 'Theoretically, it is correct. But it is no harm staying and resting at home so rest at home.' Jason thinks Japanese are always too cautious and over reacted.


I sort of agree with Jason. After all, noticing can prevent miscarriage at early pregnancy. I intended to go to work from today but terrible migraine started. Usually I can take a tablet of Imigran immediately, which can prevent from developing migraine further. But of course, I want to avoid taking any strong medicine and I ended up with 2 and half days long migraine. I kept vomiting from migraine.

GPの約束にはどうにかたどり着くが、あまりにも気持ちが悪くて頭が痛い。医者に Imigran は妊娠中に飲めないか調べてもらう。飲むことによる効果が、飲んだことによるリスクを上回ると考えられる場合を除いては避けてくださいとのこと。GPによれば、妊婦がリスクを犯して臨床検査に参加することはまずないから、妊娠中の薬の作用についてはわからないことが多いとのこと。そうだろうな。でも、あまりにも私が苦しんでいると、「あなたも、この妊娠を乗り切らなきゃいけないのだから、どうしてもつらかったら飲みなさい」と言われる。Paracetamolは十分な臨床結果があり、大丈夫らしい。でも私の偏頭痛には効き目がないからしょうがない。

I managed to the surgery to see a GP but I felt terribly ill from migraine. I asked the doctor if I can take Imigran during pregnancy. If the good effect by taking the medicine is expected to exceed the possible risks, you can take it, or avoid it. This is the summary of the official suggestion. According to the doctor, no pregnant women voluntarily join clinical tests and pharmaceutical companies can not collect enough information to form a responsible suggestions. I can understand it. However, 'If you really can not put up with the pain, take one. You have to overcome this pregnancy as well,'she added. Paracetamol has enough clinical test results and can be taken by pregnant women. Well, unluckily, Paracetamol has never worked on my migraine....

医者が Midwife (助産婦) とのアポイントメントを取ってくれた。今後、Midwife と私が定期的に会うことになるらしい。産む病院もこのエリアの住民のデフォルトは昨日行った、あのきたない Royal London Hospital らしいのだが、もし希望があれば、GPから打診してもらえて、その病院がOKすればそっちで産めるそうだ。川向こうには何軒か有名な病院があるし、その名前もいくつか医者が読み上げたけど、そうなるとMidwife のアレンジも別になるらしく、なんだか面倒くさいから、もうデフォルトでいいということにした。

The GP booked my first appointment with a midwife. I am going to see her from time to time till delivery.

The default hospital to give birth in this area is the shabby one I went yesterday. I can also chose a hospital, if I have any preferences, she said, and she gave me a couple names of well-known hospitals in London. If I chose a non-default, GP will write a referral letter to them and if accepted, I can go there. But midwife arrangement will also be done by the hospital and as it sounded a bit complicated for me, I decided to stick to the default Royal London Hospital.


To be honest, I do not know anything about pregnancy and delivery at all. On top of that, I will do it in the U.K. No close friends have given birth in London. Can not ask for any advice from my colleagues yet. Nobody to talk about. It's very inconvenient but I do not have any intention to collect huge amount of information because it will only confuse me more. Even if all the defaults do not work, I will try not to complain and take it as fate.

ダウン症のチェックはどうするか聞かれた。Jason と話し合い、可能性が高かったら止めることにしていたので、そう伝えると、12週目ぐらいで、一度超音波チェックをして、胎児の首の辺りの厚み(?)を測ることで可能性を割り出すらしい。もし、疑わしければ、20週目ぐらいで羊水検査する。この検査で確定するが、検査自体による流産の可能性があるってことは調査済み。覚悟はできてるので検査は受けますと伝えた。

The doctor asked me about Down's syndrome screening and I asked her to arrange one. I had already discussed with Jason and decided to go ahead with the checking, if the result is negative, we will give up the baby. The screening takes place in very specific time of pregnancy, between 11 and 14 weeks by ultra sound scan. The baby's certain area in the neck is measured. This screening can only tell us the possibility and if the result is negative, further test with some risk of miscarriage will follow.

Folic Acidのサプリメントを処方された。はじめの1、3ヶ月に飲むといいらしいかちょっと手後れだけど一応飲んでみてくださいとのこと。

I was also given a prescription over Folic Acid. It is most effective to take it during the first 3 months into pregnancy, but it is still worth taking for the next 3 months, she said.

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