Tuesday 1 June 2004

11W 1D おむすび Rice Balls

きのうの夜ママに電話する。胃が痛いときにキムチなんか食べちゃだめよ。おかゆにしなさいと叱られた。確かにとしさんもそう言ってたっけ。でも私にはその発想が浮かばなかった。よくかんで食べると胃が痛くならないって事が分かったから、要するにおかゆみたいなものを胃に入れることはしてたのだが・・・。それにしても、実家に送ってもらった少しの食料、水天宮のお守り、2週間経つのにまだ届かない。Whitechapel の郵便局はいったいどうなってるの?

けさはまあまあ快調。きのうの夜にご飯を2杯も食べて寝たからか。ただ、昨日の夜はこわーい悪夢を見た。北朝鮮からの極秘ビデオを観てる夢で、なんかの衣装を来た子供がひとりずつカメラに向かって駆け寄ってくる。途中に大きいナイフがいくつかセットしてあって、走ってくる子供めがけて、次々とナイフを振る。だから、カメラにたどり着く前に子供は微塵切りになって、血と肉の塊がそこら中にあるって夢。いったいなんなのーー。恐ろしい。妊娠中期になってダウン症がわかったら妊娠を中止するつもりだが、その場合のイメージなのか。それに、昨日 New Forests を走ってるときにかもめかハトが車のフロントガラス、ちょうど私が座っていた上あたりに思いっきりダイブしてきた、あのイメージかもしれない。ごん!ってすごい音がして、ガラスが割れるかと思った。多分、鳥は即死しただろう。しばらく車から出るのもいやだった。もし屋根とかに血のりがべったりついていたら・・・って思って。この時のイメージもあるのかなあ。プラス、北朝鮮のニュースから目が離せない事実?それにしても気味が悪かった。


それから、さっき調べた所、産休は出産予定週の15週前ぐらいまでに会社に通達すれば、ベネフィットがもらえるって事が分かった。ってことは9月だけど、さすがにそれまでは隠せないな。おなかも出てくるだろうし。だからまあ、7月に入ったら言おうと思う。法律では、初めの6週間が90%のサラリー、後の20週が一週間100ポンドのベネフィットを受け取れる。26週を過ぎて、あと、半年休む権利もあるが、後はお金がもらえないから、まあ、半年で仕事復帰だろう。妊娠に関するスクリーニング、Midwife とのアポ、全て、有給で休めるらしい、が、まだ言ってないから、しょうがない。

Called mom last night. She seems to be reading my Weblog every day. She told me not to eat spicy food such as Korean Kimchi and suggested that I eat porridge instead. Yes, I know, Tosh also advised me of that. But I did not come up with the idea by myself. After learning that chewing thoroughly helps my eating, I have been eating porridge like food anyway as a result. By the way, the parcel from my mom which contains some food and Omamori, a small good luck charm, from one of the prominent Japanese shrain for safe pregnancy, hasn't arrived yet. It's been 2 weeks. What's wrong with the sorting centre in Whitechapel!?

I felt much better this morning. Probably because I had 2 bowls of boiled rice just before going to bed last night? But I had a terrible nightmare. I was watching a secretly smuggled video tape from North Korea. A well dressed children is running towards the camera one by one, but there are several big knives set and swinging on their way. No children could make it to the camera, and all slashed into pieces. The floor is covered with their flesh and blood.... So scary. I have decided, if my baby turns out to have a high risk of Down's Syndrome, I will terminate my pregnancy. Is it the image of abortion? In addition, when we were driving in the New Forest yesterday, there was a quite big bird diving into our front glass, just above where I was sitting, with very big bang. Probably that image? I thought the glass was going to be shattered. The bird must have died instantly. I even did not want to get out of the car for a while because I did not want to see the blood, feathers and more on the roof.... Plus, I'm too in North Korean's current issues recently... Anyway, the dream really scared and sickened me.

I took 2 rice balls with umeboshi for lunch. I started to eat one at about 11 o'clock and finished both by lunch time. Rice balls are so simple but nice. I still want to have some Nori with them.

I checked on the net that to claim benefits during maternity leave, we need to inform the employer of our intension of leave not later than 15th week before the expecting delivery week. It means in September in my case. I don't think I will keep it secret so long. The bump will be showing by then. I think I will tell them in the beginning of July. By law, we can get 90% of the salary in the first 6 weeks and 100 pounds par week after that for 20 weeks. We can also take another half a year off but with no pay. I will probably go back to work after 6 months of leave. Screenings or appointments with midwives are also covered by paid leave but as I have not told them yet, and I can not take so much sick leave now, I will have to have a day off for the next screening....

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