Wednesday 23 June 2004

14W 2D ベビーブーム Baby boom


一時帰国している彼を囲むため、元同僚達が集まって飲んでいる所に Jason と参入した。久々に見るグラハムはちょっと肥えたかと思ったが、ほとんど変わってなく、相変わらず明るくてキュートだ。でも、あれ、奥さんがみあたらない。「奥さんはどうしちゃったの?」と私。「日本だよ。仕事の関係で今回は一緒に来れなかったんだ。」「それに彼女は今妊娠してるんだよ。」まあ、びっくり!「予定日はいつなの?」「12月の31日さ。」これは黙っていられない。「実は私も妊娠しているの。予定日は12月20日よ。」うそだろーとなかなか信じてくれなかったが、あまりの偶然にびっくり。でもなんだか再会の喜びも倍増だ。

Jason はグラハムとは初顔合わせだったが、お互いお父さんになるってことで、楽しそうに話していた。グラハムも「急に責任感ってものを感じる」とJason と同じ感想を漏らしていた。私が「でも、女の9ヶ月の苦しみなんてわからないでしょ」って言うと「女性は9ヶ月だけだけど、男はその後何十年も大変なんだぞ」と言っていた。

そんな会話で盛り上がっていると、ニックがやってきた。相変わらずアメリカンの英語で何を言ってるかよくわからない。11月の誕生日がどうのこうのと言っている気がするのだが、Jason に日本語で、「彼はなんて言ってるの?」ってささやくと、「彼の所も11月に産まれるんだって。」


ニックのGPは私のGPと同じなのでどこの病院で産むのか聞いてみると、ラッキーなことに、Chelsea and Westminster Hospital で予約が取れたそうだ。病院っていうよりホテルみたいでいいぞって言っていた。私もだから St Thomas's とかがよかったのに…って思ったが、もう、もう面倒だからあの薄汚い Royal London Hospital でいいと覚悟は決めている。

I saw Graham yesterday. It's been so long since we saw each other last time. He went to Japan on some sort of business & learning Japanese 2 year long programme, about 4 years ago. He met his future wife just after he arrived in Japan, and got married a year later. He then was taken up by the Japanese branch of the company he used to work in London. And he still works and lives in Japan. Graham is a brother of Hagichan's ex-colleague, British guy, and when she was here on holiday, we all met up. After that, a group of people, including him, his then flatmate Nick the American, my old friend Cathy + alpha, would go to a pub in Angel every week for Salsa lessons and dancing.

Jason and I joined Graham where Graham was drinking with his ex-colleagues in a pub. He looked a bit bigger than before but he was still the same bouncy cute Graham. Well, where is his Japanese wife? 'What's happened to your wife", I asked. 'Oh, she is in Japan. She has to work and can not come with me,' he replied. Then he added, 'And she is pregnant!' What a coincidence! I said excitingly, 'When is it due?' 'It's on the 31st of December,' Graham said proudly. I can not keep silent now. 'Listen, Graham, well, I am also pregnant!' 'You must be joking!' 'No, serious. My due date is on the 20th December!' It was really really surprising.

Jason and Graham had never met before but they were talking happily about being a dad for the first time. Graham said, 'When I first heard of the news, I suddenly felt my big responsibility ahead.' It's exactly the same feeling as Jason. Very interesting. I said, 'But men will never understand how hard it is for women to get through the 9 months.' He replied, 'Well, women only suffer for 9 months but men do in the next 20 years!'

Nick, the former Graham's flat mate, came round. He, of course, still speaks American English. And I still can not understand his English very well. He seemed to be talking about somebody's birthday in November. I whispered Jason, 'What is he saying??' Jason said, 'Nick's wife is also expecting their first baby in November.'

It must have been a fate for Nick. He got married to a Croatian woman. Croatia is his father's home country. They live in Wapping, too, and we all once ran into each other in a tube and I saw his wife. Well, she is also going to be a mom. 3 of us are expecting our first baby within 1 or 2 months. Unbelievable! Graham said, 'These sort of things are like a flu.'

Nick's GP is the same as ours so I asked him in which hospital his wife is going to deliver. Luckily she has been accepted by the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Nick told us that the hospital is rather like a hotel. I know... that's why I wanted to go to the St Thomas's... Well, I do not to want to repeat all the mess of choosing hospital again. I had enough. I've already made up my mind that Royal London is fine for me.

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