今日は朝から人事の担当者にどうやって産休申請するのか、上司に伝えるのか聞きに行った。思ったよりいい待遇みたいだ。例えば、12月から産休を取るとすると、一年(今年4月から来年3月まで)の間の4ヶ月を休むことになるので、年休も3分の2しか使えないのかと思っていたらそうではないらしい。産休前に使い切っていいそうだ。ようするに、給料が減る(あるいは半年以上産休取るとなくなる)ということを除いて、他のベネフィットは病欠で休むと同様そのまま享受できる。だから、産休中でも、毎月会社が支払う年金は払われるし、会社のプライベート保険、PPP も使える。また、毎月支給されるランチアラウアンスも25ポンド(マイナス税金)も支払われ続けるらしい。また、妊娠に関する病院でのチェック、母親学級などは病欠とは別扱いで、有給で取れるらしい。
人事の担当の Clare はどうやら私と同じ年らしいが、彼女は既に2児の母。同僚やボスに妊娠のことを打ち明けるのってなんか言いにくいのよって言うと、「分かるわ。なんだか、私生活でなにしてるかって公にするようなものよね。当然まわりは知ってても!」って言っていた。そうよ。そして彼女は私が、自分から言いにくいので、同僚にはToshさんから言ってもらったって言うことに理解を示してくれた。
日本のサイトでは5ヶ月目からなら飛行機旅行は安全だとある。そして、その5ヶ月目とは16週目からだ。日本の場合のみ、最後の生理の初めの日から数えて一週間を妊娠第 0 週と数える。欧米ではそれは第 1 週だ。ってことは、私は日本風に言えば、今ちょうど16週目の初めだ。日本の常識でぎりぎりセーフで飛行機に乗れる。
I went to the Personnel to ask how and when I should tell my bosses about my pregnancy and intension of taking maternity leave. The working conditions for the pregnant women seem to be better than I thought. If I start my leave from December this year, I will only have finished 3/4 of one year but I can still use up all my holiday entitlement for a year. Except for the salary reduction, other benefits remain the same, including pension scheme, private medical insurance and lunch allowance etc. If I need to take time off for antenatal care, it's also regarded as paid leave.
I will start my maternity leave from the middle of December but physically I will be able not to come to work from the end of November with using my remaining annual holiday entitlement. And I can set the returning date to work in the middle of May next year but I can actually start to come to work from June if I add some annual leave for next year. There is an option to come back as a part timer.
Clare at the Personnel is same age as me but she has already 2 children. When I told her that it is a bit difficult to break the news to my bosses and colleagues, she said, 'I understand that. It's a kind of embarrassing even though everybody knows what we are doing in our private time.'
I told my boss, Mr Sakamoto, immediately after the meeting with Clare. I told him that I am intending to take a maternity leave from December for half a year. Mr Sakamoto has lots of experience abroad and his wife gave birth to 2 of their children in Amsterdam. He looked honestly delighted to hear my news and congratulated me. Good to have an understanding boss. He is going to tell other big bosses about this for me. What a relief! I added, 'Probably the first reaction from the other bosses will be asking when I am getting married. We are not the type of people who do not believe in marriage but no time at the moment. Could you let them know?' He nodded.
I talked to Junko, who is the secretary to our MD. She's been in England for a long time and she also had 2 children here. She was also happy to hear my news. When I said to her that I had the Down Syndrome screening at a private hospital, she told me that she had done the same. We Japanese are quite cautious. Probably too much worries? She said, 'You have to take good care of yourself and the baby. It's a really nice thing to have children in your life. I could have had my life without children but luckily I also had them. It's a really good experience.'
It's very strange but my friends and colleagues are more delighted than I am. Am I not honest to my feelings enough?
My boss and Junko both warned that travelling this weekend is not good. I've been thinking that I am already in a 'stable' period. But both said me the same and I started to get worried. When I checked on the net, there was a very interesting fact.
In the sites for the Japanese, in general, it is said that we are safe to fly after 16th week, or from the 5th month. In Japan, the maternity week is counted from 0, while in the Western countries it's from 1. Taking this into account, I am in the 16th week on the Japanese scale right now. So probably just ok?
In English sites, most of them say it's safe to fly from the 14th week. This is 13th week in Japanese way... What's this 3 week difference?? Is it because the Western women are bigger than us and they get into the stable period earlier?
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