Tuesday, 3 August 2004

20W 1D 助産婦と2度目のアポ Second appointment with Midwife

今日は2回目の Midwife との予約があった。今日会った Midwife はこの前の人とは違い、どうやら私と前に電話で話した人らしい。あれ、でも、産休じゃなかったの?そんなに若い人ではないし、あの情報は嘘みたいだ。このように毎回 Midwife は違うのかと聞いてみた。どうやらこのGPにはコミュニティミッドワイフが5人いて、そのうち3人がフルタイム、あとはパートタイム。今日会った Midwife かこの間の黒人さんが出産後に私の家庭訪問をしてくれる Midwife らしい。そして、ホームバースを選ばない限り、出産に立ち会うのはどうやらまた別の Midwife たちのようだ。この前の Midwife の英語がわかりにくいって話をすると、「そうね、いろいろなバックグラウンドの Midwife がいるから」だと。ま、こうなったら出産時には Jason もいるし、彼に任せることにしよう。

先月初めと10日ほど前に食欲がないとGPに来た時の、2回分の血液検査、尿検査の結果を聞いた。まず、HIV などの血液検査の結果は全てOK.ただ、血中の糖分濃度が、正常の上限ぎりぎりとのこと。糖尿病家系かと聞かれた。食後2時間以内だと多い場合もあるということで、悪くならない限りOKということだ。それから、10日前の貧血検査も異常なし。先月初めの血中鉄分と比べてもよくなっているぐらいだって。じゃあ、なんなの、あの、ふらふらするのは…と思ったら、Midwife はあっさりと、「きっと水分が足らなかったんでしょう」だって。そんなもんか?そして、膀胱炎かなんかの炎症の可能性も、10日ほど前の尿検査の結果からシロ。よかった、抗生物質を飲まなくて。ただ、今日も尿検査で少し血液が混ざっているといわれた。

親切そうな Midwife なのでいろいろ聞いてみた。まず、子宮筋腫のこと。私の場合、子宮上部にあるのでとりあえずは心配ないらしいが、子宮筋腫が子宮口に近いと、赤ちゃんが出て来れなくて帝王切開になったり、場所によっては、胎盤の形成をじゃまするので、胎盤が通常とは違うところにできる場合があるらしい。また、不必要な子宮収縮を促し、早産になることもあるという。子宮筋腫は、妊娠の経過に伴ってサイズが変わることもあるので、今のところはなんとも言えないらしい。それから、子供の頃、慢性腎炎で通院していたことを説明。ただし、タンパクが検出されたことはなく、いつも血尿が問題だったこと、遺伝的な要素が強いことを話した。膀胱炎になりやすく、去年、膀胱のスキャンをした話しもして、ついでに高血圧家系であることも念を押しておいた。ところで、妊娠中毒症になると、自分でもわかるぐらい全体にむくんでくるらしい。また、気になっていた Discharge だが、かゆみがあったり異臭がしたりしない限り、スラッシュやカンジダの可能性は少ないらしい。もし、心配なら、妊娠中でも治療が可能なので GP の予約を取り、検査してもらうようにとのこと。そのままにしておいても胎児には影響ないらしいので、悪化したら考えることにしよう。

Midwife はこの、腎臓と子宮筋腫の件にについて、専門家に一応診断してもらった方がいいという結論に達し、来週か再来週の水曜日に予約を取ってくれることになった。用心に越したことはないのでいろいろ言ってみてよかった。



I had my second appointment with a midwife. The midwife I met today was not the one I did a month ago. It's the one who I talked to on the phone about my Down's Syndrome screening 2 months ago. I thought the Chinese nurse told me that the midwife is on maternity leave... perhaps, the rumor was wrong! I asked the midwife if I will see different midwife each time I come to an appointment. She told me that there are 5, 3 full time and 2 part time, community midwives at my GP and either she or the one I met last time will be the one who comes to visit me after child birth. Unless I choose home birth, the midwives who will be helping my delivery will be also different. When I told her that I had a difficulty to understand the midwife I met last time, she said, 'Well, we have midwives with different backgrounds.' Probably can't be helped. At delivery, Jason will be with me and I will be ok, I hope.

I had the results from the blood and urine tests I have had in the last month; one was done when I first visited midwife about a month ago, and the other was done when I came to see a GP for my poor appetite and tiredness about 10 days ago. All the blood tests were negative, including HIV. However, sugar count in my blood was on slightly high side. I was asked if I have family history of diabetes but it will go high if the blood is taken within 2 hours of meal. And, the test for anemia was also negative. Even the iron count in my blood 10 days ago was better than it was a month ago! Why did I feel so dizzy then??? She simply said, 'Probably you were a bit dehydrated?' The urine test 10 days ago also proved that no bacterial infection, because no white blood cells were found. Luckily I have not started to take the antibiotics. A slight worry is that some blood trace was again found in my urine sample today.

She looks quite kind and soft. I bombarded her with loads of questions. Firstly, I discussed about my fibroids. As my fibroids are only found at the upper part of uterus, they will be probably no harm. If there is one near the bottom, it may prevent the baby from coming out and we may end up with Caesarian. Or depending on the locations of fibroids, the placenta may be formed in unusual place. Or fibroids may cause unnecessary contractions which cause premature birth. The fibroids may change locations and sizes during pregnancy.

Secondly, I told her that I was diagnosed as kidney infection when I was child and I used to go to see a doctor once a month. The problem was only blood trace in urine and nothing like protein(?), and it's running in my family, I added. Thirdly, I tend to have cystitis and I had the bladder scanned last year, which turned out to be negative. Fourthly, I emphasized that we are high blood pressure family. By the way, if we suffer from the hypertension during the late pregnancy, we will be able to easily tell as our face and other parts of the body start to get swollen. Finally, I asked her about the amount of discharge. If it is not smelly and if I do not have strong itchiness, unlikely to be thrush or Candida. But if I am worried, better see a GP. It can be treated during pregnancy but even if untreated, it will be no harm to the baby, according to her. So I will just leave it.

The midwife decided to make an appointment with a specialist for me. It's because she is a bit worried about my fibroids and kidney problem. I will go to see a doctor in a hospital either next or the week after.

She checked the baby's heart beat. It's normal. At 5 month pregnant, it is the average size of bump, she said. Experienced women may have a little bit softer bumps as skin and uterus are used to stretch. She told me that she is able to tell the locations of fibroids by only touching bumps from outside. Wow! Can she tell where the head and bottom of the baby are??

And the bubble burst must be a sound from the baby, she confirmed. In a couple of weeks, I will be able to feel more. While I am writing this web log, I can feel more movements, suddenly. I tried to talk to the baby, 'Whaaaaat?'

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