とうとう20週目検診の日がやってきた。すっかりなじみになったRoyal London Hospital。地下の薄暗い廊下を抜けたあたりにある検査室へ少し早めに着くと、すぐに超音波検査技師によってスキャンが始まった。彼は黙々と赤ちゃんのいろいろな部位の長さを測っている。前回と違って、赤ちゃんは全然動いていない。全体像もあまり見えないので、何が画面に映っているのかもよくわからない。ジャンプしたり横向いたりと、落ち着きがなかった赤ちゃんをJasonに見せてあげたかったが、赤ちゃんはまだ熟睡しているようだった。部分的にわかったのは、心臓が鼓動していること、そして、足のうらと指のはっきりとわかる手ぐらいかなあ。あとは、食べ終わった後に残る焼き魚の骨みたいな、ちょっと湾曲した背骨のイメージだけだ。ちょっとつまらなかった。
性別も希望により教えてくれる。何枚かの写真を撮り、全て測定の終わったその技師は「特に以上はありません」といい、「And, it's a boy. - 男の子ですね。」えっ、オ・ト・コ?あまりの意外に、私は「どうして男の子だってわかるんですか」と聞いてみたが、彼が答える前にJasonが「彼の経験からさ」と話しをまとめてしまったため、理由が聞けなかった。とにかく写真を一枚もらい、受付で写真代として、いくらかの小銭を寄付(病院の改善に役立てるための基金らしい)し、技師から検査結果のレターをもらい終わり。レターには、なにやら難しい専門用語の羅列の横にその測定値が記録されていて、最後に頭、顔、心臓、腎臓・・・といくつかの器官の列挙、そして、特に異常なしと一行だけの所見が書かれていた。
We went to the 20th week screening this morning. When we arrived a bit earlier at the 'already familiar' Royal London Hospital, we walked through a dim corridor on the basement to the Ultrasound Unit. The ultra sound started immediately. A male technician is quietly measuring lots of parts of the baby. Unlike the last scan, the baby isn't moving. I want Jason to see our active baby but the baby must be still sleeping. Most of the images on the screen are also difficult to make out. The only parts I can see clearly the heart beat, a foot and hands with tiny figures. The major images on the screen are a little bit bended spine which is like left-over fish bone you have finished eating.
If we request, they will tell us the sex of the child. After printing some photos, the technician announced, 'Everything is fine,' then, 'It's a boy.' A boy??? I was quite shocked and asked him, 'How do you know?' Before he answering to me, Jason interrupted, 'From his experiences.' We got one scan photo of the baby, donating some small changes for it, they will use the donation to improve the hospital, and got a result report. On the report, there are lots of technical terms with each measurement, and list of organ names like kidney, heart, neck, spine..... then one short summary which read ''No obvious signs of fetal anomaly were found'
I took a bus to work from the hospital. I was in a state of shock for a while because I believed it's going to be a girl! I used to say, 'I am better off with boys so I want to have if possible triplets boys.' But since I found out my pregnancy, I have somehow sensed and believed that it is a girl. I thought a girl like Jason but not me would not be so bad. So, I was quite surprised. The accuracy of sex judgment at this stage is not 100% though.
I sent quick emails to my parents from work, and after a while, I at last calmed down. The most important thing is he will come to this world in good conditions.
I felt very strong movement of the baby this afternoon. It's not subtle any longer. It was quite a push from inside. I was so surprised and I screamed and stood up. Well, the feeling was really weird. It was soooo ticklish! My baby always becomes active at around 5 pm. Ed's theory is the baby having lunch, having nap, waking up and playing a bit, must have started to feel hungry again. He is kicking to tell me, 'Mom, I'm hungry again!'
After I got home, the baby started to move a lot again. Jason put his hand on the bump as usual. And for the first time, he felt the baby!!!Until just before going to bed, Jason was excitingly telling me, 'I felt the baby first time today!'
Yesterday, Katariina said, 'I can still not believe you are going to be mom.' I totally agree with her!
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