Tuesday 10 August 2004

21W 1D 継続的な下腹部痛 Continuous abdominal pain

昨日の朝から下腹部の痛みが続いているため、午前中に会社を早退して Royal
London Hospital へ行った。ちなみにこれだけ近所のこの病院にお世話になる



明日、たままた、子宮筋腫と腎臓についてスペシャリストの検診を受けることになっていたので、明日まで待つか迷ったが、けいこにメールすると、とりあえず病院に行けというので、例のミッドワイフヘルプラインに電話。この間担当してくれたミッドワイフから折り返し電話があり、彼女もやはり今日病院に行った方がいいと言う。もう22週目なので病院の中のLabour Ward(分娩病棟)だ。





子宮筋腫合併妊娠について、インターネットでもう一度詳しく調べてみた。女性の40%ぐらいが何らかの形の子宮筋腫を持っている。そして妊婦の 10―30%が妊娠中に子宮筋腫の影響を受けるが、深刻な状態になることはほとんどない。大概が下腹部痛で、治療は、痛み止めをもらい、安静にすることのみ。日本語のサイトでは、張り止めという薬も処方されるとあったが、英語のサイトには見当たらない。子宮筋腫は女性ホルモンのエストロゲンが増すと大きくなるので、妊娠中に子宮筋腫が育ってしまうことがあり、あまりにも急激に大きくなると、子宮筋腫に血液が行き届かなくなり炎症を起こす場合がある。これを子宮筋腫の変性と呼び深刻な状態のひとつらしい。変性は妊娠中期に起き、痛み以外に、発熱、出血がある。ただ、これも痛み止めと安静にすることが治療法で、3,4日で収まるらしい。

I've had mild to strong abdominal pains since yesterday morning. I went
to the Royal London Hospital after staying at work till 10 am. I feel it
was in a way a good thing that I was rejected to go to other hospitals
to deliver. If I had been accepted, I would have to go to whichever the
hospital a bit far from home so many times!

I even thought it may be chilli stick to my gut, we went to an Indian
restaurant on Sunday, when the pains started yesterday. But after
sleeping very well last night, the pains did not go. They are not so
painful as I can not stand . Yaoita san has told me many times since
yesterday morning that I should go to see a doctor, then, I just decided
to go this morning.

The pains are like waves. There has been always a dull pain in the lower
abdominal. Form time to time, the pain starts to go up gradually to my
whole bump. Then my bump feels a bit tense, hard and painful, kind of
contracted feeling. After a short while, the pain goes away. This
pattern has been repeated since yesterday, and the intervals have seemed
to be shorter today.

I am going to see a specialist about my fibroids and, kidney problem,
which I suffered when I was child, and I'd been wondering if I should
wait till tomorrow. I e-mailed Keiko, a midwife friend of mine in Japan.
She advised me to go to see a doctor today so that I called the Midwife
helpline. The midwife I met last week called me back. She also suggested
going to the hospital today. I'm already in 22nd week and it's 'Labour
Ward' I should contact.

When I rang the Labour Ward, the receptionist asked me to come to the
ward without appointment. I was admitted to a bed, the area was
separated by curtains. A midwife checked the baby's heart beat. It's ok.
A doctor, first time to see a doctor for this pregnancy!, who is a
beautiful Indian lady, came to see me after a short while. She pushed my
tummy. The outline of my bump was tender. She decided to check inside
towards cervix using the usual double ice cream scoop shaped instrument.
The cervix was closed, not bleeding or watering. The possibility of
premature birth was dismissed. She took some swab to be checked, whose
result will be known within a couple of days.

Urine check again detected a trace of blood. The doctor first told me
that I was going to see a radiologist but it did not happen. She
summarised that the pains were from my fibroids. She prescribed pain
killer called 'Co-Codamol' then I was discharged. The specialist will
probably explain me the details tomorrow.

There has been a lump in the lower part of my abdomine I can feel from
outside. The doctor thought it may be one of the fibroids. In the ultra
sound report in the 6th week, it's said that I have 4 fibroids and the
biggest one measures 3.5x4.5CM. They must have grown!

I took a pain killer and was in bed this afternoon but it does not seem
to work. I've just taken another one.

I have checked fibroids and pregnancy on the Internet again. About 40%
of women have some kind of fibroids and 10-30% of pregnant women
experience some problems. Usually not serious and just abdominal pains. Treatment is just rest and pain killer. On Japanese sites, it's written that some tablets to reduce the contraction pains are also given, but I could not find the same thing in English sites. When estrogen increases, fibroids also grow and this is the reason why fibroids sometimes become bigger during pregnancy. And if the fibroids outgrow blood supply, they break down. This is called 'red regeneration', which usually happen during the second trimester, and they cause not only pain but also high temperature. But it resolves within 3,4 days and treatment is rest and painkiller as well.

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