Wednesday 11 August 2004

21W 2D 出産前検診で医者の診察を受ける Antenatal clinic

今朝は子宮筋腫と血尿(腎臓)について医者に判断してもらうために行った。昨日に続き Royal London Hospital。今日は外来病棟の Antinatal (出産前)クリニックだ。10時半の予約だったが、私がついた頃にはもう、待合室がいっぱい。まず、検尿と血圧を測ってもらう。その後、待合室で順番を待つのだが、予約時間なんてないも同然。今日の担当の医者は、昨日私を診てくれた美人のインド系の女医さんを含めて5人ぐらいいたと思うが、3時間待ってようやく医者に会えた。



腎臓障害があると、胎児の成長が遅れる場合があるとかで、28,32,36週にもそれぞれ、赤ちゃんの超音波検査を追加でやることにもなった。子宮筋腫もあることだし、超音波検査を頻繁にやることはいいことかもしれない。それにしても、子宮筋腫と出産方法の関連などについては何も触れなかったなあ。子宮筋腫があると早産になったり、帝王切開になったりするらしいのに、それは検査しなくてよかったのだろうか。私も気がつかなくて質問しなかったが、これは10 月の次回のAntinatal アポのときに忘れずに聞くことにしよう。


Went to the Royal London Hospital to see a doctor for my kidney and fibroids problems. It's the Antenatal clinic in the Out Patient building. I had a 10.30 appointment but waited for 3 hours before seeing a doctor. There were so many pregnant women waiting for their turn. Just after arriving the hospital, we were called for urine sample and blood pressure. There must have been about 5 doctors including the Indian female doctor I saw yesterday.

The doctor who saw me did not specially check my fibroids. She asked me how I felt today as she had known that I visited the Labour Ward yesterday. When I asked her if I would not have to worry about my pains any longer once these pains were gone, she said, 'If the cause was fibroids, it will never get better till the end of pregnancy.' As long as the pain killers work and no bleeding nor water breaking, that's it. I will have to put up with the pains. Staying in bed and going to work will not make any difference, she added. I anyway went to work after this appointment. In fact, I have not taken any pain killers today. Even though I have been told that these tables are ok for the pregnant, I do not want to take much. I only took 3 tablets yesterday. I still have some pain but feel better now.

The doctor rather concentrated on my kidney problem. Some blood trace was again found in my urine sample today. The indicator showed +++. About 2 months ago, it was only +, and a couple of weeks ago, it was ++. I myself thought urine looked a bit darker this morning and I knew some blood was in it from my experience.

I told the doctor my medical history. I had rhumatic fever and scarlet fever at the same time when I was 6, which triggered my kidney problem. The problem in English direct translation is 'Chronic Kidney Inflammation' but probably 'IgA nephropathy'?? Then I used to go to hospital once a month for check-up till I was 12. By the way, I only found that both fevers are caused by Streptococcus. We have a family history of kidney problem. It includes my maternal granddad, mom, brother and one of my cousins. I tend to get cystitis and I had my bladder scanned last year, the result was Ok. The doctor arranged a blood test and kidney ultra sound for just in case.

According to the doctor, if pregnant women have problems in kidneys, the baby growth may slow down. She also arranged 3 extra baby scan in the 28, 32 and 36 weeks. This sounds good for me as I am also worried about fibroids and if the baby and probably fibroids are closely checked, it will be helpful.

I was a bit unsatisfied with the consultation today as she was not concern much about my fibroids. I know fibroids sometimes cause premature birth or caesarean, but is it ok to just overlook this problem? Well, I also did not realise this while seeing the doctor. My next antenatal appointment is in October and I will remind the doctor to examine it.

I was quite surprised by the fact that my health problems when/since I was child now cause a little bit of complication. Kidney problem and fibroids as well. I have had always heavy period ache and the interval between toilets are quite short... weak bladder. They must have been both because of the fibroids. I should have had taken them out earlier.

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