Thursday, 26 August 2004

23W 3D エストニアのアルファベット Estonian alphabet

フィンランド旅行 20/08/04 - 29/08/04 Day 7

エストニア語はフィンランド語と同系のウラル語族フィン・ウゴル派の言語ででアルファベットで表記されている。周辺諸国同様、母音にウムラウトがついたりと、英語以外の母音がかなりある。子音は英語と多少読み方が違ったり、使われていない文字があったりする。例えば、J は Y の音なので、きのう行った日本食レストラン網屋は Amiya ではなくて Amija と表記される。C は使われないので、Chinese Restaurant は HINA Restran となっていた。彼らはこれを「ひな」って読むのかは不明だが。え、じゃあ、私の名前は「HIZU」で「ひず」になっちゃうのかなあ。 Jason はジェイソンじゃなくて「ヤイソン」?そういば、ソ連から独立して13年ぐらいになるはずだが、探しながら歩いてはみたものの、街にはロシア文字は全くみあたらなかった。




Estonian language belongs to Ural language group, Fin-Ugol, which is the same group as Finnish. There are a couple of extra vowels, which are expressed by umlaut or other additional small marks on top of the characters. There are some consonants which are not used or pronounced differently as well. For example, 'J' sounds rather English 'Y'. The Japanese restaurant we went yesterday was 'Amija' and it is pronounced 'AmiYa'. 'C' does not exist in Estonian and I saw a sign of a Chinese restaurant written as 'HINA RESTORAN'. Ok, then, my name will be 'HIZU' and 'Jason' sounds 'Yason'??? Estonia got independent from Russia about 13 years ago and I have been looking for any remaining sign of Russian characters but have not found any so far.

I went to Sauna. I've wanted to go but Jason is not so keen and as I have not felt well, I have kept missing Sauna experience. There are a couple of rooms with Sauna for about extra 30 Euro at hotel Metropole, the one we are staying, or we could book a sauna for 30 Euro for one hour. But we decided to go to the one in hotel Olympia. The hotel was built for Moscow Olympics and it has sauna on the 26th floor overlooking Tallinn. It cost about 10 Euro each. We were given a towel and a bit thick piece of paper which can be put underneath when you sit in the sauna. The view was really good but the weather was unluckily bad.

We had lunch at a nice Estonian restaurant. It was about 10 ponds each. We had nice Kaukasas (caucasian) food at 'MUST LAMMAS' for dinner, which was also about 10 pounds per head. By the way, we found the embassy of Japan in the old town and saw a Japanese flag half masted. Has somebody died? I have not heard any news about Japan since we came on holiday.

Note: Katariina told me later that there is no 'Z' in Finnish and if they describe my name based on the actual pronunciation, it would be written 'TSISUKO'. Finnish, and Estonian as well, were really un-guessable languages for me!

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