Thursday 2 September 2004

24W 3D 腎臓の検診 Ultrasound on kidnys

今日は腎臓の超音波検査に行った。検査の1時間前までに2パイントの水を飲み、トイレに行くなと言う事前の指示がある。普段から頻尿で、妊娠してからはますますトイレが近くなっているから2パイントを1時間もたせるなんて・・・いやな予感がした。だから、初めから1時間前なんて守らないで、40分ぐらい前に水を飲み - 私の場合、30分もすれば膀胱が一杯になってしまうことぐらい知っている - その上2パイントも飲んでいない。予測はしていたが、やはりNHSの予約なんていい加減で、時間が来ても私の名前は呼ばれない。30分以上待たされたので、事前の対策もむなしく、膀胱が破裂するか、つらくて気を失うかと思った。これは拷問だ。




I had an ultrasound on kidneys and bladder. I needed to have 2 pints of water one hour before and was not allowed to empty the bladder until the test. I go to toilet more often than anybody else. Since I got pregnant, the interval has been getting shorter. To hold 'it' for one hour sounded quite difficult and scary for me. I of course did not drink water 1 hour before as instructed. I did it about 40 minutes before because I know my bladder fills up probably only within half an hour. In addition, I did not drink 2 pints, my bladder is definitely smaller than the British ones! As I frighteningly expected, I had to wait for another 30 minutes for my turn even though I arrived at hospital on time. This means all my well planned strategies were in vain. I really thought either my bladder would go burst or I would pass out. It was really a torture!

As I could not hold it any longer, I was about to decide to empty my bladder and go home without having the test. Instead, I decided to cheat and went to the toilet. To take the test, I could not totally empty my bladder. I had to be careful to release a bit and stopped before bladder became empty! It was quite a tough task but I could manage to do it! My turn was soon after I came out of the toilet. The first thing I told the doctor was, 'I can not hold it any longer.' The doctor promised that he would let me go to the toilet after checking the bladder. He then asked me if I had a full bladder. 'O.... of course,' I said. I wonder if he realised I was telling a lie. Anyway, he checked my bladder. When checking the bladder, he showed me the screen because he saw the baby moving. I could only see the stomach and legs of the baby. After coming back from the toilet, the doctor checked my bladder again and said, 'It's empty now.' I wonder how different it looks..... Anyway, he then told me that the baby can be seen much better because no obstacle, big bladder, and he showed me the head and the heart of the baby. Baby was moving!! I just wonder if I keep holding urine or my stomach is full, the baby feels his surrounding space a bit tight?

I did not know the kidneys are so up in the body. They are just side of the body immediately below the ribs towards waist. When the doctor was checking my left kidney, he called a senior doctor for her opinion. There seems to be a cyst but nothing to worry, he said.

I went to a facial treatment after work. I had deep cleansing done and felt much better. On my way back home, I went to Mothercare and H&M to have a look at maternity clothes. I did not know that H&M have a wide selection of maternity range. If I compare maternity bras, H&M have one for less than 7 pounds. At M&S, they sell 2 for 20 pounds and 12 pound each at Mothercare. I should have bought 2 or 3 bras at H&M...

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