おとといの助産婦との検診で、マタニティサーティフィケイト(妊娠証明書)、Form MATB1、をもらった。出産予定日が記載され、医者、助産婦のサインがある。この証明書は出産予定日の20週前から発行してもらえる。実際の産休は予定日の14週前以降から(産休補助金は11週前から)取得可能。このサーティフィケイトを人事にもって行くと、正式に産休のための手続きを開始してもらえる。
During the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby grows to 25 cm from the head to bottom on average, and if the legs are stretched, the baby can reach 38 cm! The whale, a soft doll, on my desk at work is just 30 cm, and my baby can be bigger that that now. How amazing! Since I got pregnant, Ed and I have always talked about the current size of the baby. Looking at the soft dolls on her or my desk and we are saying, 'The baby must be as big as this piggy' or 'He must be still a bit smaller than your teddy.' Well, the whale is the biggest one on our desks and the baby has already caught up with it. Very quick!
The midwife gave me the Maternity Certificate, Form MATB1. The due date is stated with doctor and midwife's signatures in it. This certificate can be issued 20 weeks before the due date. With this certificate, the personnel department can officially start the procedure of my maternity leave. By the way, we can start our maternity leave after 14 weeks before the due date and maternity pay can start to be paid from 11 weeks before the due.
I still have 16 days of annual leave left till the end of next March. If I use them up in December, I do not have to go to work from 6th of December but I can still get the full payment for the month. And I can start maternity leave officially from the beginning of January, to get maternity pay.
By law, the maternity payment must start to be paid from the next(?) day of the actual baby birth. This means if the baby comes out on 15th December, I have to pay back the half of the December salary to our company. If this happens, the annual leave I will not have used up will be paid in cash when I go back to work next year, or when I decide not to go back to work any more. This is only applicable if the company's financial year change falls during the maternity leave. Anyway, these regulations seem to be fair to me. I will probably take maternity leave from January to June next year, and my last day at work will be on 3rd December (Fri).
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