息苦しいから昨日も今日も会社でブラをはずした。このままじゃ胸がたれちゃうって思って、今日M&Sで採寸してもらい、18ポンドのマタニティーブラを購入。フックが6つもついているので調整しやすい。初めから買えばよかった・・・。サイズは36Dか38Dの間ということだが36Dを買った。授乳用ブラは、赤ちゃんが降りてきて胸周りが出産後のサイズに近くなるから、37週ぐらいで買うのがいいらしい。 産休に入る直前に買うことにしよう。
I have often become out of breath recently. When I am sitting, as I am leaning back, the bump may pushes my lungs. I need to stand up and walk around from time to time to push the bump down a bit. I am going to be suffocated like this... I've still got 2 more months to go.
As I felt breathless, I took off the bra 2 days in a row during day time. I need a proper maternity support bra. At M&S, I had my bra size measured and bought one. It's 18 pounds and size 36D; I was told my size is between 36D and 38D. There are 6 hooks on it and it's easy to adjust. I should have bought one much earlier... I also learnt that we can buy nursing bras at around the 37th week. By then, the baby will drop and the underband will be more accessible. I will drop into the M&S just before my maternity leave starts.
Satomi has lent me a couple of good bump belt or supports but they are slightly smaller for me. I may try buying a British made bump belt anyway.
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