I was wearing a British made bump belt (9.95 pounds) first time yesterday. It's just a stretch belt with magic tapes to fasten. Quite like the belts we use on suitcases.... But this is the only product in this country. With the support of this belt, I feel much better. In Japan there are more gadgets like the support underwear from immediately after your birth to put your body shape back etc. But nothing similar can be found here...
We also went to the wholesaler COSTCO with Yuki and Kawano. We can buy anything, in bulk of course, for lower prices. Kawano and I were really excited and visited every single corner of the store and bought a lot. I bought nappy bags, which are used to throw away nappies, and Pampers nappy wipes. We went to ASDA as they also do baby things and I bought our baby's first nappy, a packet of Pampers No.1 disposable nappies, and breast pads. Jason and I were supposed to compare which is cheaper at COSTCO or ASDA? But both of us are useless. We can not remember the prices..... I've learnt something new today. Nappies are numbered according to its size and we choose the right number based on the baby's weight.
George, one of my many Malaysian Chinese friends for a long time, rang me yesterday. He had his first son born 3 months ago. He and his wife live in Kent now. We have to visit them soon!
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