今日、追加の産着を買うためにAsda,Tesco,Mothercareなどへ行ってみた。Asdaは安かったのだが、Mothercareで一つ買うと2つ目が半額セールで下着が売っていたのでそっちで買った。ベストと半そでボディスーツを2着ずつ、長袖のスリーピングスーツを新生児用、その次のサイズを3着ずつが計15ポンド(3000円)ほどで済んだ。母から送られてきた産着とあわせて、初めの数週間はこれで済みそうだ。(赤ちゃんが巨大じゃなければ!) また、マタニティパッドを3パック買った。36枚あれば足りるだろう。なくなったらあとは普通の生理パッドを使うことにする。
We went to Asda, Tesco, Mothercare etc to buy extra babygros. It was cheaper in Asda but we bought quite a few from Mothercare as they had 'Buy 1 get the 2nd for half the price' sale. 2 vests, 2 bodysuits and 3 sleepsuits each for newborn and next size cost only 15 pounds in total! Together with the babygros my mum sent to us, we now have enough starter underwear for the baby. (Unless the baby is huge!)
There were so many cute clothes at Mothercare. Jason and I could not stop buying them. Jason suddenly became 'father' and he picked a couple of nice clothes. He bought fashionable trousers and hooded cardigan set, 2 pieces of cute tops from Mothercare. He then bought from another shop a matched small hat and a pair of mittens, saying, 'I think the hat here is nicer than the ones in Mothercare!' I also bought a set of white trousers, bodysuit, cardigan and hat for the newborn....
I bought 36 pieces of maternity pads. Should be enough. After finishing them, I will do with normal sanitary pads.
I am going to breastfeed but I still need a couple of bottles. I was thinking about buying steriliser bottles, which can be microwave sterilised without any other equipment but decided to do more research on bottles. German manufacturer NUK seems to be a good choice. Their teats are designed to be very similar to the real ones. By the way, the silicone teats with no colour can last longer (1.5 months) than coloured rubber teats (1 month). NUK do not have microwave steriliser bottles but I will go for them. For sterilising bottles, I will probably just boil them in a big pan for 10 minutes. Oh, no, but according to some sites, the teats deteriorate quicker if we boil them.... very difficult..... I may end up buying a microwave steam steriliser, which is about 15 pounds, and NUK bottles?
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