Wednesday 27 October 2004

32W 2D 32週超音波検査と3回目の出産前検診 32th Week Ultrasound check-up and the 3rd Antenatal Clinic

32週超音波検査。JasonとRoyal London Hospitalへ。検診の初めに、赤ちゃんの顔を見せてくれた。丸い顔に目、鼻、口が見える。残念ながらいい写真が撮れなくて写真はもらえなかった。前回は胴回りがかなり大きめだったが、今日は普通になっていた。検診の結果異常なし。赤ちゃんの現在の予測体重は2キロ弱。検診中、とにかく赤ちゃんはよく動いた。彼には超音波が聞こえて「うるさーい」って言ってるのかしら?超音波技師の女性も「よく動くあかちゃんね。」そうそう、今回の技師にも、私達の赤ちゃんが男の子だという事がかなりはっきり見えると言われる。

Antenatal Clinic

その後3回目の出産前検診へ。たまたま前回と同じインド系の産婦人科女医だ。相変わらずインド訛りで早口のため、何を言っているのかさっぱりわからないのだが、どうやら腎臓の超音波の後、専門医と会ったかと聞いている。私は、特に異常がないとあなたから前回聞いたが、と言ったが、今日も検尿の結果血尿が+++だったし、彼女は原因を知りたい様子。子供の時からの症状で遺伝的要素が強いと、いつのも説明を繰り返したが、彼女はその場で腎臓系の医師に電話で指示を仰いだ。出産後、精密検査、バイオプシー(生体組織検査)をするようにと言われる。とりあえず今は、AntibodyとA,B,C型肝炎などの血液検査の結果から腎臓の専門医が妊娠に与える影響を判断することになった。 また採血された。2週間後に再来院。

The 32nd week ultrasound check-up at the Royal London Hospital. Jason was with me. Unfortunately, we did not get any photos this time. In the beginning of the session, the technician showed us the face of the baby. We could see his round face with 2 big eyes, nose and lips! In the last scan, we were told that his abdominal measurement was bigger than the average but it was quite normal today. The estimated baby weight is 2 kg. The baby was moving all the time during the scan. The technician also said, 'Your baby is really active.' Probably he could hear ultra sound and wanted to say, "Noisy! Stop it!" By the way, we were told again that it was very clear that the baby is a boy...

I went to the Antenatal clinic appointment after the scan. It was my 3rd visit. The doctor who consulted me today was the same Indian (?) female doctor as before. I still could not understand her English with very strong Indian accent. After asking her to repeat for a couple of times, I figured it out that she was asking if I saw a kidney specialist after my kidney scan. I told her that I had been told there was nothing to worry by her last time. But she wanted to know the cause of blood trace in my urine. Actually, it was Blood+++ in my today's sample. I had to repeat my story again; I had a kidney infection when I was child, it's running in my family and I have not been done proper investigation of the cause in my life. She then decided to ring a specialist in other clinic and asked for some advice. A kidney specialist told her that I should go for the further check-up, probably biopsy, after birth. In the meantime, he can check how my kidney conditions will affect pregnancy from the results of another blood tests - antibody, hepatitis A, B, C etc. I went to blood tests again later and I need to come back in 2 weeks time for the results.

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