* 出産後3,4日は量が少なくても母乳を与えること。この頃の母乳はコロストラム(Colostrum)といい、免疫物質を多く含むため。
* 助産婦さんはボトルより母乳を推薦。
* ミックスフィーディングは遠出時、産休後の職場復帰に便利
* イギリスではあまり母乳を上げているお母さんの姿を目にしない。出産後も働く女性が多いからか、プライバシーがない母乳より便利なボトルを選ぶ合理性からか。Toshさんによれば日本の方が公共の場で母乳を与えている女性を多く見かけるとのこと。
- お母さんは水分をたくさん取り、食べるものに注意。母乳の量は需要と供給で決まり変化する。(不思議ね!)授乳時の初めに出てくる母乳はフォアミルク(Foremilk)といい、薄い。赤ちんののどの渇きを癒す。そのため、母乳で育てる赤ちゃんは水分を別に与える必要はない。フォアミルクの後、ハイドミルク(Hindmilk)という、クリーム状のミルクに変わる。暑い地域の赤ちゃんはほしがる母乳の間隔が狭いが、これは、フォアミルクの回数を増やすことで水分補給をしているとのこと。(すごい!)母乳の賞味期限は冷蔵庫で24時間、冷凍で6ヶ月。乳が張る場合、暖かいフランネル、お風呂、キャベツをブラと胸の間に挟む、などの方法で乗り切る。
- 利点
赤ちゃんの免疫力を高める。お母さんはお腹の筋肉を使うため、体の引き締め効果あり。経済的。赤ちゃんの吐しゃ物、排泄物があまり匂わない。上げすぎることがない。水を飲ませる必要がない。 - 欠点
乳首が痛い。赤ちゃんがどんな成分を与えられているか見えにくい。(体重が増え、睡眠、排便をきちんとできていればOK.) - 母乳の上げ方
- 利点
遠出時に便利。授乳中に注目を集めない。 - 欠点
Colic(疝痛)になる可能性が母乳より高い。Colic(疝痛)は、新生児が3 時間以上泣く日が週に 3 日以上あり、それが 3 週間以上続く場合に診断される。はっきりとした原因は不明。一般的には、消化器系が未熟なところに、大量のガス(授乳時に吸い込む空気?)が溜まるかららしい。 - フォーミュラミルクの上げ方
* 新生児のうちは石鹸やシャンプーを使わなくてOK
* お風呂は週2,3回でOK
* 出産後にお風呂に入れる時はかがむ時に腰に注意
* 赤ちゃんはぬるいお湯で
* ベイビーマッサージは普通のオリーブオイルなどで十分
- お風呂の入れ方
The last Antenatal class. We were talking about how to bathe and feed babies. The below is just for my references.
Breast or bottle feeding
* Even the amount is little, give the breast milk in the first 3, 4 days of baby's birth. The milk in this stage is called Colostrum which is especially rich in nutrients and antibodies.
* Midwives always recommend breastfeeding
* Consider mix-feeding: while on holiday or once going back to work, it is handy
* Tosh told me that breastfeeding seems to be more acceptable in Japan. Well, we do not see many women breastfeeding in public here. Is it because more women go back to work after maternity leave or practical reasons?
Mothers should drink plenty of water and watch how to eat. The amount of breast milk keep changing depending on the demand and supply. (Wow! Amazing!) Fore milk is the milk which fist come out while a feeding. Thin and watery. This will satisfy baby's thirstiness. If breastfed, the baby does not need extra water given. In the countries of hot climate, babies ask for breast milk more often. This is because, each time babies are fed, they can get fore milk to gain water. (Interesting!) After fore milk, Hind milk come out. This is the creamy one. 'Best before' of expressed breast milk is for 24 hours in the fridge, 6 months in the freezer. If breasts are full and uncomfortable, try hot flannel, hot bath or put a piece of cabbage between breasts and bra.
Boost baby's antibodies. Mothers use tummy muscle to breastfeed, which is good to get the shape back. Economical. No need to prepare or wash or sterilise bottles. Baby's vomit or poo is usually not that smelly. No need to worry about over or under feeding. No need to give extra water.- Disadvantage
Nipples are often sore. Difficult to see what babies get: if baby sleeps well, gains weight and poo ok, that's fine.
How to breastfeed
1. Change nappies
2. Bring the baby to you and put a nipple deep latched
3. Sit baby on laps and hold the baby straight with both hands
4. Put finger into baby's mouth to take him off
5. Wind baby - put him on your shoulder and wait for 3 minutes, if nothing happens, tap on the back
- Advantages
Handy on travelling. Privacy issues.
Need to prepare, wash and sterilise bottles. (Ready made milk is also available.) Need to give water as well. It's same as food so, possibility of constipation, vomit and poo is smelly. Possibilities of under or over feeding. More risk to get Colic. 'Colic' is diagnosed if the baby keeps crying over 3 hours more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks! Actual causes are unknown but generally it is said that intestines of new born babies are not strong enough and while being fed, they inhale too much air which causes uncomfortable.
How to bottle feed
Boil water and leave it to cool down. Mix formula and water in a bottle. Put hot water in a jar then put the bottle in it to warm it up. Test the temperature with wrist.
[Formula milk]
Bathing babies
* Newly born babies do not need soap or shampoo
* Bathe babies 2 or 3 times a week
* Watch your back when you bathe baby just after delivery - your back is easy to get hurt
* Use lukewarm water
* Massage babies - normal vegetable oil is enough
- How to bathe babies
1. Put liquid soap in the tab
2. Test the temperature with elbow or special thermometer
3. Take off clothes except for nappies
4. Wipe face except for eyes with a cotton ball and water
5. Hold baby by side and put one arm under the baby
6. Wash hair with water and dry (Be careful with the soft parts of the head. The back part takes 6 weeks and front part 8 months to harden.)
7. Take nappies off
8. Hold legs with one hand and wipe bottoms
9. Clean bottoms with a cotton ball
10. Hold baby on wrist, put baby in the bath and put water
11. Put baby on the other wrist and put water
12. Wrap baby with a towel and dry
13. Power with hand or massage with oil
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