Friday, 12 November 2004

34W 4D めまいで入院 Stay in hospital


助産婦ヘルプラインに電話したが、終了時間5時をぎりぎりで回っていたので連絡つかず。ベッドにそのままなだれ込む。横になっていると大丈夫だが、トイレに立ち上がると、もう、頭にスピンがかかっていて、だめだ。JasonにSOSを出し、帰ってきてもらい、Royal London Hospital の出産病棟に電話して、病院へ。




I started to feel dizzy at about 3 o'clock at work, especially when I moved my head. I was scared that I might pass out and decided to sit on the floor for a while. As my condition did not seem to improve, I was going to go home. But when I stood up, a mild dizziness struck me. I could not stand straight. I felt really helpless and scared - what is this? Is my baby ok? A couple of tears fell on my cheeks. Ed brought me some water and I drank it up in no time. Junko, Sakamoto and Yamagami came to check with me. I managed to take a taxi home with their help.

Called Midwife help line. But no answer as it was just 5 o'clock, their closing time. I fell into bed. While lying down, I felt ok but once stood up, my head started to spin! I made an SOS call to Jason. He came home, rang the Royal London Hospital. He was asked to bring me in.

On our way to hospital, I started to feel sick and wanted to get off the car many times. As soon as we arrived at the main entrance, I could not walk and just sit down. I was carried to the Labour ward on a wheelchair. (The receptionist may have thought I would be in labour soon!) While waiting for a doctor, the baby's heart rate was monitoring. I vomited a couple of times. Terrible....

Doctors did not know the cause of my dizziness and sickness. When looking back, I can tell that I felt sick only when moving, but at that time, I could not analyze the symptoms to tell the doctors exactly what was happening. Since they did not know the cause, they decided to keep me for one night, they wanted to prevent me from being dehydrated by vomiting. I got an injection which stops feeling sick and I was taken some blood samples to test anaemia (this was really unlikely as there had been no signs of anaemia at all in the last couple of months and anaemia do not usually happen over night). I was moved to the Antenatal Ward.

The sickness went off soon. Jason went home. I was given 2 tablets of parathetemol. A midwife came to check the baby's heart beat. Then I fell asleep.

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