Thursday, 18 November 2004

35W 3D 出産前クラス(無痛分娩について) Antenatal Class - Pain relief

無痛分娩についてのクラスに行ってみた。英国では無痛分娩は一般的。日本語では「無痛分娩」だが、実際はペインリリーフ、痛みの緩和だ。出産本番での麻酔、エピィドュラル(Epidural 硬膜外麻酔)は英国では50-60%の女性が選択する。痛みによるストレスの緩和、産後の体力温存のためという合理的な理由から。



  • 気を紛らわす方法:


  • テンス(TENS):


  • パサディーン(Pethidine):

    オピウム系の麻薬を注射。初期段階に有効。眠くなり、吐き気を催すことも。第二段階で使うと、分娩が長引いたり、生まれた赤ちゃんがぼーっとして活動が鈍く、母乳を与えるのが難しくなる可能性あり。Royal London Hospital では出産前病棟で可能。

  • ガスアンドエアー(Gas & Air 笑気ガス):

    亜酸化窒素(NO2)50%、酸素(O2)50%の気体を吸い込む。ぼーっとして、麻酔効果。大量にきちんと吸い込むこと。初期段階に有効。 Royal London Hospitalでは分娩病棟でのみ可能。

  • エピィドュラル(Epidural 硬膜外麻酔):

    これぞ、本格的な麻酔!と、言っても100%痛みがなくなるわけではない。お尻の上あたり、脊髄の周りにある硬膜の外側に太目の針をセットして麻酔薬を注入。要麻酔医。10-20分で効果。針を着けたまま動き回れる。。Royal London Hospitalでは分娩病棟でのみ可能。欠点は、吐き気、お産が長引く、などの可能性。針から脊髄液が漏れ、出産後に頭痛が起きる場合もあるが非常にまれ。俗に言われる、脊髄を傷つける可能性はない。脊髄は針を刺す場所よりかなり上までしか伸びていないため。当然、使われる麻酔は胎盤を通さず。痛みを感じる神経は麻痺させるが、運動神経や血圧をを下げるまでの強い薬・量は使わない。


1. 第一段階 

1.1. 初期(12-14時間): 陣痛開始から、40-50秒続く陣痛が10分おきぐらいになるまで。分娩病棟には子宮口が3CM になるまで入れてもらえないので、病院に行っても帰されるか、出産前病棟に入院するかのどちらか。ペインリリーフは、気を紛らわす方法、TENS、パサディーン。

1.2. 活動期(数分から6時間): 子宮口8CMになるまで。40-60秒の陣痛が4,5分毎に。この時点で病院に駆け込むのが望ましい。


1.3. トランジッション期(15分-2時間): 平均1CM/15分のスピードで子宮口が8CMから10CMに。90秒の陣痛が2,3分おきになる。

2. 第二段階(数分から3時間): 子宮口が10CM開いてから出産まで

3. 第三段階(数分から30分/1時間): 胎盤の排出

Went to a pop-in Antenatal Class about Pain Relief. Using pain relief can reduce stress during pregnancy and reserve fitness for after birth. Very practical. In the U.K., 50-60% of women use Epidural.

In Japan, 'Pain relief' is not really in practice. We must endure the pain while delivery. Still old tradition. I'm lucky that I am not in Japan! By the way, the midwife told us that the % of Epidural used in this area is not as high as the national average. There is a large population of Bengales women around here and they tend to have many children. pregnancy & delivery is getting easier with experiences. And also because of their cultural and religious background, they do not like 'artificially' reduce pain during delivery. It's probably similar to Japanese to some extent.

[Pain relief]

  • Distraction technique:

    Relaxation, having a bath, a glass of wine!, taking a walk, massage...

  • TENS:

    Little pulses of electric energy blocks pain messages to the brain. Usually, we need to rent or buy one beforehand. It's quite compact and can move around with the machine attached. Useful for the early stage, like before going to hospital.

  • Pethidine:

    An opium-like drug given by injection. Takes 20 mins to work and lasts for 4 hours. Useful for the early stage or when exhausted during a long labour. May feel sick or drowsy. Slow down 2nd stage of labour and may make baby to slow to start breathing etc, which could make breastfeeding difficult. At RLH, we can get it at the Antenatal Ward.

  • Gas & Air (laughing gas):

    Breathe in the gas, which consist of NO2 50% and O2 50%, when feeling contractions starting. The gas block the nerve communicating. Need to have a big breath. Useful for the early stage of labour. At RLH, available at the Labour Ward only.

  • Epidural:

    This is the main pain relief. Pain does not go 100%, though. A local anaesthetic is injected to the space around spinal cord by an anesthetist. Takes 20 mins to work. Can top up by midwife once the needle is set. Can move around with the needle. AT RLH, it's only available at the Labour Ward. May feel sick afterward and labour can last longer for about an hour. Can develop a headache if spinal liquid leak from the needle hole but only in very rare case. As needle is put well down the position the spinal cord finishes, it is 'not' unsafe unlike rumoured. The drug used can not cross the placenta. Block 'Sensory' nerve but not 'Motor' nor 'Sympathetic' nerves.

[3 Stages of labour]

1. The 1st stage

1.1. Early stage (12-14 hours): From contractions start till contractions coming every 10 minutes and lasting for 40-50 seconds. As we will not be allowed to admit to the Labour Ward till the cervix dilates 3cm, even if we go to hospital, we will end up either coming home or staying at the Antenatal Ward. Useful pain relief at this stage is 'Distraction technique', TENS, Pethidine.
1.2. Active stage (A few minutes to 6 hours): Till the cervix dilates 8CM. Contractions coming every 4, 5 minutes lasting for 40-60 seconds. This is the ideal time to go to hospital.

Once the cervix dilates 3CM, we can use Epidural. Shall I try gas and air first and if it is not enough, move to Epidural?

1.3. Transition stage (15 minutes - 2 hours): The cervix dilates from 8 to 10 CM at, on average, 1CM/15mins. Contractions coming every 2, 3 minutes lasting for 90 seconds.

2. The second stage (A few minutes to 3 hours): From the cervix dilated 10 CM to the baby birth

3. The 3rd stage (A few to 30 minutes/1hour): Separate and push out the placenta

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