Saturday 20 November 2004

35W 5D パン焼き器 Bread maker

Bread 01

Jasonから誕生日にプレゼントされたパン焼き器でパンを焼いてみた。Basic White、普通の食パン。時間がかかるので、タイマーで焼き時間をセット。朝の6時過ぎから粉をこねる音で目が覚めた。ちょっとうるさいが、手でこねる労力がかからないのは嬉しい。


Bread 02

We baked our first bread with the bread machine Jason gave me to my birthday. We chose the receipt of 'Basic White'. We had set the timer and I was woken up by the noise of the machine kneading the dough. It's quite loud but it saves lots of time me doing that.

When we peeked into the machine through the small window, there was a nicely baked bread lying! Well done! Our baby will also be fully cooked in 4 weeks!

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