さて、昔のフラットメイト達の話しにもなった。Ting は4月に女の子のお父さんになった。Arthur の所は、10日程前に2人目の男の子が産まれたそうだ。Georgeと私も含めると、あの時シェアしていた面子の4人もが同じ時期に赤ちゃん誕生を経験するってことだ。
Jason の同僚や元同僚もここ数ヶ月の間に2人がお父さんになると聞いたし、グラハムとニックの奥さんもこの時期続けて出産する。

I'm now in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. Surprisingly, 3 people from Sumitomo have just realised I was pregnant today!
We went to see George and Sue yesterday. George was one of my flatmates when I was in Bristol in the early 90s. I was sharing a house in the 'Malaysian Houses', which were 2 adjasoned terraced houses where mainly Malaysian Chinese students were staying. I only paid 80 pounds per month! Anyway, I saw George once about 10 years ago in Singapore but I haven't seen Sue for more than 13 years. They have a 3 month old baby boy. George cooked nice meal, which reminded me of the time in Bristol, and they gave us loads of tips about new babies. Only a couple of months ahead makes very experienced parents!
We were also talking about our old flatmates. Ting has a baby girl who is about 6 months old, Arthur has his second son born only about 10 days ago. Including me and George, 4 of us in the 'Malaysian Houses' have new born babies at the same time.
In addition, a couple of colleagues (and ex-colleagues) of Jason will also become a father soon. Graham and Nick as well.
All of our children will be in the same school year. Wait... actually, I am the only female and I am a bit older than them. Is this the reason I can not find any female friends who are expecting a baby now???
Upon request of Hagichan, here are my bump photos!
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