今週初め、ニュージーランドの Jason のおばあちゃんから、かぎ針で編んだ赤ちゃん用ショールが届いた。とても手の込んだ、直径1Mぐらいありそうな大きな白いショールだ。封を開けた時は、私もJasonもまさか手編みだなんて思わなかった。おばあちゃんのカードには、曾孫用に3つも編んだと書いてある。びっくり!まだ70歳代と聞き、少し納得。蕨のおばあちゃんも70代の時は、手先も器用で、まだまだ元気で活発だった。旅行行ったり、老人会のために温泉ツアーを組んだりと、ほとんど家にいなかったし、着物を縫ったりもしてたんじゃないかな。習字を再開した後に展覧会で入選したのには驚いたっけ。
We received a nice present from Jason's grandma in New Zealand. It's a hand made shawl for our baby. It's a round shaped really big white shawl. Probably the diameter is about 1 meter! When we first saw it, we didn't think it was knitted by her because it looks like the one you can find at shop. In her card, she wrote that she crochetted 3 of them in total for her great grand children! She is still in her 70s, Jason told me, and I remembered my late grandma. When she was in her 70s, she was still really active. She travelled lots, organised ONSEN (hot springs) tours for her friends etc and she never stayed at home. She was still able to make Kimono, if I'm not mistaken. What's more, when she started to practise Shuji (Japanese calligraphy) again in her late 70s, her work got an award in one of the competitions.
Thank you very much, J's nana. I rather want to use it for myself!!
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