Monday, 29 November 2004

37W 0D 妊娠糖尿病検査 Glucose tolerance test

妊娠糖尿病検査のため、「出産前胎児チェックユニット」(Antenatal fetal assessment Unit)へ。事前に渡された検査の説明書によると、前日の真夜中以降、水以外は摂取してはいけないとあった。だから昨日は夜の11時55分に食いだめして寝た。(お腹がすいて夜中に起きることが最近多いんだもの・・・。)

を飲まされる。Lucozadeはその辺で売っているスポーツ飲料だ。2 時間後に逆の腕から再び血液を摂取。前後の血液を調べて血糖値の変化をチェックするようだ。この2時間の間、水以外の摂取、動き回ることは許されなかったので、私は待合室のソファで熟睡した。


Went to the 'Antenatal fatal assessment Unit' at the Royal London Hospital for Glucose Tolerance Test. I was told that the test starts at 9.00 am and we can not eat or drink after the midnight on the previous day, except for water. I stuffed my stomach with food at 23.55 on Sunday evening. Well, recently I have often been waken up by starvation in the middle of night!

Firstly, a blood sample was taken. Then I was asked to drink up 2 cups of Lucozade. Lucozade is one of the popular sport drink you can buy at any shop. 2 hours later, I was taken another blood sample from other side of the arm. That's it! During these 2 hours, I was not allowed to eat or drink, except for water, nor move around. I decided to have a nap in the waiting room.

There were about 6 or 7 other women who were taking the same test and all of them were Bengalis. They were chatting to each other in their own language, but when I woke up, the friendly one sitting next to me started to talk to me. I told her that I came to the test because my baby water is too much. She replied, 'Oh, if the water is too little, it is a problem. But if it is too much, it's also a problem.' 'You then have too little water?' I asked. 'Oh, no, I have already delivered a baby,' she answered. Whoops. Have I stepped on a landmine?? Luckily, she did not seem to be bothered and kept talking to me that she was there to have a follow-up 6 weeks after the delivery.

If we are diagnosed as pregnancy related diabetes, we need to come back 6 weeks after the delivery to have glucose tolerance re-checked as sometimes pregnancy related diabetes will develop a proper diabetes.

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