Friday 10 December 2004

38W 4D 身動きが・・・ Difficult to move......


お昼過ぎ、軽い頭痛がしたし、気分転換にとカナリーワーフへ行った。外はかなり寒かったけど、頭痛には冷気が気持ちよかった。ところが、1時間も歩いていたらくたくたになった。体が思った以上に重く、普通の人の半分ぐらいのスピードでしか歩けないし、下半身が不快。結局Krispy Kreameのドーナッツを2つ食べて帰って来た。

産休に入って緊張感がなくなったからなのか、もうすぐ産まれるからなのかわからないけど、とにかくだるい。Jasonは、年休消化、クリスマスホリデー、 1週間の産休(父親用)を駆使して、12月20日から20日間仕事を休む予定。彼としては、20日までは産まれないでほしいと思っている。私もオフィシャルには今年一杯は年休消化で12月までは給料も支払われる。ただし、出産翌日から自動的に産休扱いになり、産休補助に切り替えられるため、日割りで今月分の残りの給料を会社に払い戻すなどの面倒が発生する。だから、できるだけお腹の中にいてほしい。まあ、親の目論見も知らず産まれちゃうんだろうけど。

I talked to one of my friends from high school on the phone. She is an air hostess living in Japan. When I went back to Japan a couple of years ago, she had a little boy. Now she is a mother of two. The second son is nearly 2 years old, but she is still on maternity leave. Airline companies seem to have quite good maternity leave system. She told me that as soon as you find out your pregnancy, you will get into the maternity leave and it's up to 3 years. In the first year, 30% of the salary is paid. It's like the system of one of the Northern European countries. I'm not sure if her company's benefits are good or they are following the international airline regulations.

I had a slight headache in the afternoon and decided to go out to have some fresh air. I went to Canary Wharf. But after only one hour wandering around, I felt so tired and didn't want to walk any longer. My body was soooooo heavy and I could only walk at the half of the normal speed. In addition, I felt so uncomfortable below my bump. I ended up with 2 doughnut from Krispy Kream and came home.

I'm not sure if the feelings of laziness and fatigue are coming from the 'don't have to go to work any more' situation, or a sign of baby coming out soon. Anyway, I feel so tired. Jason is going to have 20 days off from the 20th, using his annual leave, Christmas holiday and paternity leave, and he is hoping the baby will not come out before the 20th. I also prefer the baby is born as late as possible. I'm still paid fully for December salary as I am off work at the moment using my annual leave. But from the next day of the birth, maternity payment will start automatically, and I will need to pay back December salary based on the remaining working days of December, which will be quite complicated. Well, in any case, the baby will come out without thinking about his parents plans......

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