今日はベイビーマッサージへ行った後、Turks Headで4人でお茶をした。それにしても暑いから、アラタは下着一丁でいた。カフェのオーナーもウエイトレスも「抱っこさせて」とやってくる。アラタくんは毎日女性に抱っこされて幸せね。
We went to a baby massage session and to the Turks Head after that. It was anyway really hot. Arata was in only a short sleeve vest. The owner of the cafe and a waitress came round to hold Arata. He is held by many women every day!
Arata's favourite past time is play gym. When he punches the toys hanging down, the plastic cow at the top makes noise or music and swing. Arata often really concentrates on it. When he plays with it, he makes lots of different noises, pointing his mouth out! He likes the movements triggered by his own activity. Arata has also started to take an interest in the butterflies, which are made of unique material, at the side of the gym. He tries to touch and grab them. Jason sometimes plays 'horse riding' with him. Arata enjoys playing with dad.
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