
今晩は、Jasonの勤務先が発売開始したGIZMONDOの新製品発表パーティーに、Green ParkのPark Lane Hotelへ行った。GIZMONDOはプレイステーションのようなゲーム機で、GPS、音楽プレイヤー、映画鑑賞など多機能を備えた高級おもちゃ。
パーティーは有名人も多数VIPとして招待されていたらしく、ホテルの入り口にはパパラッチのフラッシュがすごかった。Tom GreenとDannii Minogue (Kylieの妹)が司会。スティングやJamiroquaiが何曲か歌い、Austin Powersのミニミーも舞台に。ミーハーな私には興奮しまくりの豪華パーティーだった。さすがに最後まで見れずに帰宅したけど。写真はスティング。1年ぶりのライブだったそうだ。
We had a babysitter for the first time. It's Lynne. She charges 7 pound per hour plus extra 10 pounds for the weekend fee. Arata was looked after for 5 hours. He played with her, had lots of milk, 260 ml in total, and was in bed by the time we came home around the midnight.
From Monday to Friday, Jason is out to work for about 12 hours each day. So, it's about 2000 pounds monthly job I am doing!!! No wonder I always look forward to the weekend, when we can share the stress and responsibility to look after Arata. I must get quite tired every day without realizing it.
This evening, Jason and I went to the launch of GIZMONDO at Park Lane hotel in Green Park. GIZMONDO is a portable game console which also has GPS, music and movie players etc. The company Jason works for are selling it.
I dressed up in the outfit I used at the Sumitomo Christmas party 2 years ago. It's such a relief that I can still fit in the same clothes as more than a year ago. Incidentally, I found that I can wear the GAP jeans which I was wearing before getting pregnant. My body shape has been gradually getting back! How nice!
There must have been a lot of celebrities invited to the party. I saw loads of flash lights by paparazzi at the entrance of the hotel. The event was hosted by Tom Green and Dannii Minogue. Sting and Jamiroquai sang a few songs each. Mini-Me actor of the Austin Powers was also on stage. (Well, we couldn't see him behind lots of other people standing, though!) I was really thrilled and enjoyed the party to see so many celebrities!! Of course, we had to leave the party when the excitement was still continuing.
=====================From NTLWORLD.COM========
Gizmondo takes to UK stage
Stars turn up to launch new handheld
The Gizmondo handheld launched in the UK this weekend, with Tiger Telematic's localised debut something of a tester ahead of full European and US releases. The new handheld device launched in Blighty with a pre-pay Vodafone SIM, which will enable the sending and receiving of calls, texts and emails, not to mention the Gizmondo's GPRS functionality. SmartAdds, marketing based on a users registration details, will also be sent via Vodafone's network.
Based on a Windows CE platform, the Gizmondo includes a camera and picture messaging options, games playing, movie and music playback... GPS positioning, and other impressive uses. The Gizmondo flagship store opened in Regent Street, and a showcase at the Park Lane hotel kicked off the device's UK debut. The likes of Sting, Jamiroquai and Busta Rhymes performed at the event, while Lennox Lewis, Dannii Minogue and other "celebrities" attended the store. Tom Green hosted the Park Lane bash.
More on the Gizmondo soon... especially when we get our hands on one of the wee beasties.
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