Sunday, 17 April 2005

+15W 6D ロンドンマラソン London Marathon

今日は快晴。第25回ロンドンマラソン。フラット裏のHighwayがコースなので、朝から中継のヘリコプターの音。沿道には観戦客。史上最高の3万5千人が走ったそうだ。写真はドックランドから折り返してきた男子の先頭グループとアラタ。この後、マラソンコース脇を歩いてCanary WharfのRoyal Chinaへ。久しぶりに点心にありつけた。

Beautiful weather. It's the 25th London Marathon today. The Highway, just behind our flat, is a part of the course. We could hear helicopters hovering above. Spectators were along side the road. There were 35000 runners today. This is the record number of participants. Jason's camera caught Arata with the men's top group, who had been just coming back from Docklands. We later walked to Canary Wharf along the loads of fun runners and had Dim Sum at Royal China.

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