Friday 22 April 2005

+16W 5D 初めての家族旅行 Arata's first family holiday


We are setting off to the Lake District with Nana and her friend Jackie. It's Arata's first holiday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You have never met me, but my name is Susan and everytime I google anything about Wapping & Mum's stuff, your blog comes up. I've lived in Wapping (on Garnet St) since Nov '03, and we are expecting our first baby in June. I am American, but my husband is a kiwi, like your partner.

Anyway, I hope this isn't too inappropriate to contact you. I was wondering how I could hook up with some of the mum's groups? I don't know anyone in Wapping, so it would be really great to have some other mom's to socialize with!

Thank you & all the best,
Susan Macaulay>