ベスにとっては滞在中の一番の夏らしい日が、ロンドン最後の日になってしまった。今日はお昼に、やはりロンドンに住んでいるJasonの幼なじみのキンベリー達と、Limehouseのテムズ川沿いのNarrow Stでランチをした。モダンヨーロピアンのおいしいランチだった。アラタはきのうから、バギーも前向き。さて、ヒースローまで見送りに行った帰りの車中でアラタをあやすのは大変だった。私が歌を歌うのを止めたとたんに泣き出すからだ。Wappingに着くまでずっと歌いっぱなしだった。
Jason's mum, Beth, has flown back to NZ. She has done a lot for us. She cooked every day, doing washings and even hoovering. She must have thought that I was the world laziest daughter in-law, well Jason and I haven't married yet though, but she never complained and was always smiling. Arata is her first grandchild. She spent lots of time with Arata, which stimulated Arata to become a more talkative and happy baby.
The last day in England turned to be the hottest day for Beth throughout her stay. We met Jason's childhood friend, Kim, her husband and her dad, for lunch at the pub at Narrow Street along side the river Thames. The food was gorgeous but the service was slow!
We started to put Arata in his buggy front facing as well since yesterday. By the way, it was a really tough work for me to calm Arata down on our way back from Heathrow. He was grizzling most of the time and the only things which worked to calm him down was my singing to him. I kept singing till we arrived in Wapping!
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