久しぶりにベイビークリニックに行って体重を量った。7.03Kg。平均よりは下だけど、出生体重から見たら順調。アラタの背は平均以上だから、やや細め。昨日、Jasonの幼馴染のキンベリーが、「Jasonは細身で恥ずかしがりやな男の子だった (He was a skinny shy boy.)」って言っていた。今のJasonに「細身」はまったく当てはまらないけど、アラタはパパの体型の遺伝子をもらったようだ。
We went to the baby clinic. Arata weighed 7.03Kg. It's below the average but from his birth weight, just fine. As he is longer than the average babies, he is rather slim than chubby. Jason's childhood friend Kim told me yesterday that Jason was a skinny shy boy. It's difficult to link Jason and 'skinny' but surely Arata gets Jason's gene of body shape!
I took Arata to dentist today. He had to wait for me for one hour in the treatment room. He was a really good boy. He didn't complain much. He once became grizzling and started to cry but when he realised that mummy can not come to him, he just decided to suck his thumb and watch mummy having her teeth cleaned. I was really surprised how he was behaving. Of course I thanked him for not making lots of noises but I also won't mind if he behaves more difficult as he is just a baby after all!
He's started to enjoy the big bath.
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