ベイビーグループ、なかなかみつからない。ヘルスビジターにもらった情報誌によると、トドラークラスはたくさんあるけど、ベイビー向けはほとんどない。(そして、Wokingではこれらはほとんど有料。)街で赤ちゃん連れの女性に話しかけて聞いてみたり、近所をうろうろしてみたり、インターネットでサーチしたり、結構探しているんだけど・・・。水曜日は図書館の中で小さい子供とお母さんが輪になってなにかしているのを発見したので早速参加してみた。5歳以下の子供向けのリーディンググループだった。アラタにはちょっと早いかな。でもこれはWokingには珍しく無料。近所でベイビークリニックをやっているMaybury Centreという所で何かないか聞きに行った。火曜日の10時からトドラー(歩き始めた子供向け)グループがあったが、これもまだアラタには早そう。でも来週行ってみるかな。ベイビーヨガも、Wokingで唯一やっている女性に電話してみたが、一番近い開始日で6週間後・・・。ベイビーマッサージの話しは全く聞かないなあ。Wappingが恋しい。
Arata made a record sitting up time without my support. He kept sitting, occasionally swinging back to front though, for more than 30 minutes in a boppy. He's hated lying down recently and he often demands to sit up or stand up with my support. As he is a baby who doesn't sleep much during day, his demand means I have to be with him all the time! If he is able to sit up without me, it will be much easier for me.
We can't find any baby groups so far. In the magazine, The Family Grapevine, there are plenty of toddler groups but few for babies. (And they usually charge a small fee unlike those in Wapping.) I even talked to a woman with a baby at a cafe yesterday if she could recommend any. When we walked by a library, I saw a group of mums and toddlers sitting in circle so we joined as well. It was a reading group for toddlers under 5. It's a bit too early for Arata. I went to the Maybury Centre, which runs a baby clinic, but they also only have one toddler group on Tuesday morning. Probably this is also not yet suitable for Arata, but we will try it next week. I rang a woman who runs baby yoga in this area. She does not have any ongoing classes in Woking and we have to wait another 6 weeks. I've never come across baby massage classes.... I miss Wapping....
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