Thursday 9 June 2005

+23W 4D 里帰り Back to Wapping


久しぶりにWappingに行った。かおりさん、あずささん、そしてあずささんの妹のさやかさんとチャイテクを囲んでおしゃべり。最近ストレスでテンパッていた私には嬉しい里帰り?さやかさんには9ヶ月になるあゆみちゃんがいて、ドイツ人のご主人とドイツ在住。かおりさんの次男のアンドリューくんが8ヶ月で、あめりちゃんは6ヶ月だから、アラタが一番おちびちゃんだけど、みんなさる年生まれ。偶然4人の名前が「あ」で始まるので、「チーム A(エー)モンキーズ」の誕生!


8Kgのデカバギーで行ったけど、帰りはWappingから地下鉄に挑戦。らせん状の階段を少しだけバギーを押しながら下りた。意外と簡単だったので拍子抜け。やればできたのね~。ホームに下りると、モニカのお父さんのニックにたまたま会った。そして、Turks Headのシルバンまで同じ電車を待っていた。二人に助けてもらって、Canada Waterではかなり込んだJubileeラインの車両に気後れせず乗り込むことができた。なんてラッキーな私!

Went to Wapping first time since we moved to Woking. We met up with Kaori, Azusa and her sister Sayaka. It was nice being back in Wapping to meet my friends as I've been quite stressed in the last couple of days. Sayaka has a 9 months old baby girl, Ayumi, and they usually live in Germany with her German husband. Andrew is 8 months and Amelie is 6 months now. Arata is still the youngest but they were all born in the year of monkey and their names happen to start with a letter 'A'. 'Team A Monkeys' has been born!

Andrew is incredible! I'd heard that he started to crawl but he also stands up holding a table or sofa edge. He is only 2 months older than Arata but Andrew is probably 2 or 3 sizes bigger. When we stood them face to face, Andrew intimidated Arata a bit and Arata started to cry! Well, anyway, Andrew always looks at Arata as if he was saying, 'Hey, little one!' It's interesting to see that human being also instinctively decide who is stronger by the size of the body.

We went out with the big 8Kg buggy but I decided to come back from Wapping tube station, which I've never done because the lifts at the station don't go down to the platform level. I had to come down about 20 steps of the half spiral stairs to the platform but it wasn't as bad as I thought. When we landed on the platform, we saw Nick, Monika's dad, and Sirvan from the Turks Head waiting for a train. They helped me get down the stairs at Canada Water station and get onto the Jubilee line. I was a bit nervous before because I thought it would be difficult to travel by tube during evening rush hours with such a big buggy. I was lucky to run into them because they helped me when I really needed it.


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