Arata now grabs the objects he wants and put them into his mouth... When I am operating a TV remote control, he grabs the control and kindly changes the channels before putting it to his mouth. He pulls the telephone cord when I am on the phone. When I am checking my e-mail holding him in between the pc and me, he tries to press the buttons on the keyboard. Paper is his favourite non-edible object. (Like other babies!) Arata loves pulling it, screwing it up and putting it to his mouth. Ed sent us a nice 'Good luck on moving' card. (Thank you very much, Ed chan!) When Arata saw it, he must have been impressed by the nice picture on the card, he examined it for a while and... tasted it!
Arata was so hungry yesterday. By the time he needed the bed time feeding, my milk tanks were empty. Jason gave him formula. As some formula was left over, I fed him with baby rice mixed with formula, for the first time. He ate 6 spoonful. In the late afternoon, I also gave him 3 spoonful of ground apple. I was going to follow the Japanese way of weaning, which Azusa learnt from a Japanese weaning book, [Week 1] introducing carbohydrate [Week 2]adding vegetable [Week 3]giving protein. Well, I'm very bad at following a plan but instinct, so, it can't be helped? The health visitor I talked with last week said, we could start rice, vegetable and fruits in any order or even mix them. At least, I will try to introduce one new food at a time, and watch his conditions closely. As long as he is happy, it should be ok.
Hi Chizu chan!!
You are very welcome for the card, I am so glad Arata liked it too, though I didnt think he would end up eating it! Kawaii ne?? Keep up with the weblog, its the only thing keeping me sane and smiling :-)
Hope to see you all again soon
Thank you again for the card. I could tell it was from you from your hand writing on the envelop!
Hope to see you soon again!!!
Chiko + 2 eggs xxxx>
さっそくみちこさんのサイト覗いてみました。そうしたらそのお友達サイトの中の「Lucy Monkey」になにやらピンっ。見たことあるかなぁ?以前カナリーワーフにすんでいたお友達に紹介してもらった同じ日本人ママ友だちのサイトでした。実は私は彼女のサイトを見たのは初めて。その中の先週日曜日の写真時間あったら見てみて。しかしロンドンは狭いね~。しのぶ>
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