今日も死ぬほど暑い。全部の部屋の窓を全開にすると風が通って涼しいけれど、アラタが寝る時間でも寝室は28度・・・。クーラーなんてないから熱帯夜だ。アラタの湿疹は、夜のお風呂以外に、昼間2回ほど行水させたからか少し治まってきた。午後は、かわのとゆきちゃんが遊びに来てくれた。近くの公園にでもピクニックと思ったが、暑すぎる。バルコニーでピムスを飲んで、きのうNew Maldenで仕入れた韓国焼肉をバーベキュー。
Father's day in the U.K. and Japan. (In New Zealand, it's on the first Sunday in September.) While Jason was concentrating on work on his Laptop PC, I put a small present on lying Arata's chest in the sitting room. I then said, 'J, can you give Arata some water?' and left the room. When I went back a short while later, Jason was smiling hugging Arata who was holding the present in his hands.
It's been still so hot. When we open all the windows in our flat wide open, we have some breeze but even when Arata went to bed, it was 28C in the bedroom. Without air conditioning, it's horrible.... Arata's rash has seemed to be better after bathing him 3 times today. Kawano and Yukichan came this afternoon. We were going to go to a park for picnic, but it was too hot. We just sat in the balcony drinking Pimms and did BBQ with the marinated Korean BBQ meat which we bought yesterday in New Malden.
1 comment:
笑!うちも、うちも!演出が似てるわー 笑
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