新しい環境になじむための精神的疲労もあると言うと、このヘルスセンターの分室で、Wokingのヘルスビジターの集中管理をしている、Goldworth Parkのクリニックに電話するようにアドバイスされた。「日本人のママさんも紹介してもらえるかもしれないし、ヘルスビジターが家庭訪問をしてくれるから、とにかく、必ず電話しなさい。一人でいるのが一番よくないわよ。」と、何度も念を押された。Wapping Health Centreのヘルスビジターのヘレンのように、とても親身な看護婦さんだった。実は、昨日の夜は、アラタ、Jasonが二人とも風邪で寝つきが悪く、その影響で私もほとんど寝られなかった。よっぽど顔色でも悪かったのかしら。
Went to the health centre for smear test. Did repeat urine test as well. It still showed blood+++. Blood pressure was 120/90. Nurse thinks the low part of the pressure is a little bit high. During our conversation, she picked up that I've been feeling tremendous fatigue in the last couple of weeks. She went out to talk to a doctor. Following the doctor's advice, she took my blood sample for anemia test. Apparently, around 6 months after the baby birth, lots of women suffer from anemia. She also advised me to eat well and drink half a pint of Guinness a day to help produce breastmilk. (Guinness is nutritious and contain B Vitamins and iron.) Of course, I had half a pint tonight!
I also told her that I feel lots of stress from trying to settle in the new environment. And she advised me to contact the Goldworth Park Health Clinic, where they have a centralised health visitor centre. Before I left, she repeated, 'Ring them up. They will come to visit you. And they will give you some contacts of Japanese mums in Woking.' I didn't sleep well last night because both Jason and Arata were not feeling well and tossing and turning in their beds. I must have looked so pale!
We went to the Baby Yoga at Wapping Women's Centre in the afternoon. Arata did poo on the train for the first time. I didn't bother going to the carriage with a toilet with baby changing mat, and changed his nappies on seats. I'm getting more and more brave through this sort of experience. Arata was happy till the bed time, but probably it was too much to take him to London when he wasn't feeling 100%. He kept waking up screaming. We gave him 2.5 ml of Calpol.
Arata can now reach the Winnie the Pooh mobile. This is the longest life toy he's got so far. But once he starts to pull it, we have to ban him from using it!
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