ここ数日、体調が思わしくないからか、めずらしくアラタは昼寝をよくする。今朝は私がくたくただったので、9時半頃に、試しにアラタを私たちのベッドに連れて行って一緒に横になってみた。体や顔をゆっくりなでてあげると、しばらくしてアラタは眠ってしまった。途中一度目を覚ましたが、私がいるので安心したのか、また眠ってくれたので、私も3時間近く昼寝ができて少しリフレッシュ。午後はMaybury Centreのベイビークリニックへ。アラタは7.6Kg。最近写真のような変な顔をよくするアラタ。つばを飛ばしながら出てくる音を楽しんでいるようなんだけど・・・。
In the last few days, Arata's had a couple of daytime naps every day. This is really unusual. Probably it's because he has a cold. Anyway, I was so tired this morning and I put him in our bed and I laid down next to him. While I was stroking his body and face, he fell asleep. He woke up once but he may have felt comfortable to find me, he went back to sleep. In total, he slept for nearly 3 hours. Of course, I slept as much and I felt refreshed afterwards. We went to the baby clinic at Maybury Centre. He weighed 7.6Kg. Arata often makes a funny face like the one in this photo. He apparently enjoys the sound he makes by squeezing his lips and pushing out some saliva.
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