Sunday, 17 July 2005

+29W 0D ナンパしたママ友達 Another Japanese mum


この前Cafe Continental の前で声をかけたカヨコさん親子とお昼をした。わざわざ近所まで来てもらったのに、私が偏頭痛で、段取りが悪く申し訳なかった。彼女は私と同年代で、一歳半ぐらいの女の子のお母さん。と、思ったらそれだけではなかった。14歳になる男の子もいた。これは、心強い。

We had lunch together with Kayoko and her children. I met her, actually I stopped her, when I saw her and her daughter in front of the Cafe Continental a couple of weeks ago. Today, they came to Woking all the way but I didn't plan well and it wasn't well organized meeting.... I had a migraine again. She is about my age and has a 1.5 year old daughter AND a 14 years old son.

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