お昼過ぎにCafe ContinentalのCoffee Meetingに顔を出すと、ナターシャ、ベラ、エミリーしかいなかった。行く途中でゆうこさんにばったり会い、ターニャ達も来ていたと言っていたから、何人かと入れ違いになったのかもしれない。ところで、このミーティングで知り合った人達に街でばったり会うことが多い。おとといはベラ、昨日はターニャ、そして、火曜日にはタフィにばったり。そのうちみんなで赤ちゃんをプールに連れて行こうということになった。
We went to the coffee morning at Cafe Continental. Only Natasha, Vera and Emily were there. On the way, we ran into Yuko, who had just left the meeting. I often run into those who I got to know through this meeting. I ran into Vera on Thursday, Tanya on Wednesday and Taffy on Monday! By the way, we have decided to take our babies to the swimming pool at the leisure centre soon.
We went to the city this afternoon for a meeting with my boss. I let him know that I want to work 3 or 4 days a week, or, shorter hours every day when I go back to work next January. I also met my colleagues and had a chat for a while. The photo is Arata and Brenda, the tea lady. She has a grandchild who is only a month older than Arata.
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