Since Arata first rolled over, his active skills have improved dramatically. The area he is moving around in his walker has become much bigger. With a little support, he can now stand up or walk holding onto the edge of a sofa. He no longer sits in yoga style quietly but always demands help to stand up. Hard work for us! Arata may start crawling soon. His talking skills have been also getting better. He can now make lots more complicated speaking like sounds. Rie's husband told me, 'Babies' growing up curve is not straight. One day they suddenly improve a lot. And they repeat this.' I can see what he means.
We went up to London nearly every day this week. We took my parents for sightseeing and went to meet Georg who was in London to see us and Rie's family. This photo is Arata with uncle Georg.
全然面影ないけれど、このジョージってあのLanguage Centreに通っていたクラスメートのジョージ??もしそうだとしたら、今まで交流を保っていたなんて感心!!>
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